opinoins on backgrounds?


New Member
I currently have a 75g tank with a clear background. I was wondering what the best background would be.... Black, White or one of these picture like backgrounds? Also my sand is very white.... thanks


I only use pure black backrounds. I think they they offer the best presentation. No stupid pictures in the backround of coral and fish. There might be some good picture ones out there. Keep in mind i use mine on an aggressive setup so i just have a nice stack of rock with some aggressive specimens and a black backround.


yeah black is my choice. I paint all my tanks before I set them up that way I never have to worry about it.


Active Member
Definitely blue or black. My opinion and goal is to keep the tank looking as natural as I possibly can, so I think the picture backgrounds would defeat that goal. Mine is blue, but I got the tank like that, I think I would have chosen black, but the one I have is fine.


Active Member
lol i despise picture backgrounds, sorry wablondie! I just think they look a little cheap and tackie, if we are trying to mimick nature (which we are by being in this hobby) then maybe a deep blue colour is best :) Thats what I have anyway, plus makes the water seem ultra clear :)


Active Member
Blue here.
It's all about personal taste.
Wablondie: Is the back of your background blue? If so try turning it round for a few days, you may like it better.


Black here. I prefer black or blue, but, I think it is Broomer who says "Your tank, your choice". (Sorry if I credited the wrong person.)