oppinions please


New Member
and if anyone knows if you can cut mushrooms so that each section that is cut can grow on its own i would like to hear from you...thx here are some pics of my and my brother inlaws 130



Active Member
Originally Posted by n8
my 55 gal
do i see 2 hippo tangs in a 55 gal?
if so i hear the tang police comming..


New Member
Just one hippo and its not permanant Hes getting moved to the one thirty but had to be sepperated from the ever so mean damsel who seems to have taritorialized himself since the racoon died he needs some beefing up first hes only a bit more than an inch now


New Member
I hope this is true i will try should i let them float in the meantime or place them in trays?


Active Member
If you cut them and throw them back in the tank they will settle somewhere and setup shop in a calm area. If you want them to attach to a specific rock, put the cut shrooms of choice in a bowl with some small chunks of rock or the desired rock itself and cover it with netting. The netting needs to be something that will allow water to flow through, but keep the mushroom in the bowl. An example would be the nylon material that bags of onions are made out of or a bride's vale. Place the bowl in your tank and after a few days it will attach to the rock in the bowl. If you used small chunks of rock, the ones that have mushrooms attached can be glued to larger rocks if desired.


New Member
thx i will try this and post the outcome at a latter time
wish i could try it with someone elses stuff first though----any volunteers?????????..lol


how much live rock you have in the first tank? looks packed!
that being said.. the first two pics i dont think does your tank justice by looking at the third one.. did you have your flash on? I always find it makes my tank look funny if i use the flash


New Member
over 300 lbs are in the first tank
and yes my flash was on its a new camera and im figuring things out on it just yet
Although the tank is at my place I will carify that my brotherinlaw chad has forked out all the $ for it and made it what it is he has just no other place to put it and hes the one thats helped me start my others as well so everyone chalk one up 4 chad
Originally that tank had 3 times that amount of live rock
weve done several new tanks piecing it out
Im having trouble getting any good close ups any suggestions? Ive heard a tripod could help....but it is a Photosmart M627 6.0mm-18.0mm...maybe its the camera?


Active Member
Originally Posted by n8
thx i will try this and post the outcome at a latter time
wish i could try it with someone elses stuff first though----any volunteers?????????..lol

you want to come over to my house I'll let you cut up some of my mushrooms and show you how I do it. of course you'll have to pay for your own plane ticket because I live in maine.


New Member
the invitation is nice however its a way for some shrooms.......perhaps if you ever get the chance some pics of the process would help


Active Member
Originally Posted by n8
the invitation is nice however its a way for some shrooms.......perhaps if you ever get the chance some pics of the process would help
Actually I'm waiting to borrow someones camera so I can do a full on snap shot frag fest, and show how I frag everthing I have, and the set up and equipment I use, for the people who want to try it themselves. I also intend to show different methods of attaching different things. that way everyone can pick their own favorite tecniques. hopefully when I do this I can get a few other people that frag to contribute their fragging pics and tips so it becomes a full on threaducation.....


Originally Posted by n8
over 300 lbs are in the first tank
and yes my flash was on its a new camera and im figuring things out on it just yet
Although the tank is at my place I will carify that my brotherinlaw chad has forked out all the $ for it and made it what it is he has just no other place to put it and hes the one thats helped me start my others as well so everyone chalk one up 4 chad
Originally that tank had 3 times that amount of live rock
weve done several new tanks piecing it out
Im having trouble getting any good close ups any suggestions? Ive heard a tripod could help....but it is a Photosmart M627 6.0mm-18.0mm...maybe its the camera?
n8 it is about 450lbs of live rock. Me and my friend when i started my first saltwater tank bought everything in persons 120 and fuge. His 120 was so full you could not see any crush coral or get to the bottom of the tank. My friend took about 375lbs and i took 125lbs and put in a 45gal.
The 120 that you see the pics of are my friends old tank. But now mine.