Optical Illusion


Active Member
lol, ok... something definitely wrong with my computer.
Clearly she is spinning... he shadow appears and reappears at the bottom of the screen as she spins.


Active Member
and last i checked when you spin to the left is counter clockwise...unless of course your watching this in austrailia

royal gang

Active Member
What are you talking about??? She's spinning clock-wise, and I already saw from the bottom, the top, the left, and right, all the same direction...


depends on how you look at it and blink if you do it just right just just sways back and forth ;-) thats the illusion watch the feet and shadow she changes direction.
so everyone is right depending on how and where your eye goes first some will see clockwise others counter clockwise



Active Member
i don't know if that's an illusion or just a computer program
EDIT: it is definitely programmed that way. the leg that is extended switches between right and left legs.


Yeah, i definately don't get it...to me, she is clearly spinning counter clockwise. Everyone else is just crazy.

tx reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
i don't know if that's an illusion or just a computer program
EDIT: it is definitely programmed that way. the leg that is extended switches between right and left legs.

Same thing I noticed......


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishyCPA
Yeah, i definately don't get it...to me, she is clearly spinning counter clockwise. Everyone else is just crazy.

ehh, pay attention to the leg. when she spins the leg she is standing on switches. it is not an illusion, it is a random computer program changing the image.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MichaelTX
depends on how you look at it and blink if you do it just right just just sways back and forth ;-) thats the illusion watch the feet and shadow she changes direction.
so everyone is right depending on how and where your eye goes first some will see clockwise others counter clockwise

Watch the shadows of the feet and blink at the point that the extended foot shadow is either to the right or left of the picture to change direction. For me, when the extended foot shadow is on the left and low in the picture, by blinking causes the counter clockwise direction to start. Otherwise, my first impression is always clockwise..
This one is a little harder to see but you can do it.....
Both Dots and this one are very cool!!!


the pink dots is cool.... ive been staring at the dancing chic forever and she keeps spinning in the same direction, lol.