Options for Non-Dangerous Testing


Hi everyone...
I am looking for reliable and less lethal options for checking levels for the basics, ie: pH, Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate...
My concern here is all the warnings in the instructions say that they can cause fatality, burns, etc. by means of breathing, touching, ingesting, etc. and I have a 2 1/2 year old little girl and even though they are behind a locked cabinet, I really don't want her to get her hands on the stuff, nor do I want to poison myself in the process...
Currently I have the Saltwater Master Liquid Test Kit by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals...
Any suggestions???
Thanks in advance for your help!!!!


Active Member
I really wouldn't worry about it. I have touched the chemicals before and they have never burned me or anything. There is strips that you just dip into the water, but i don't think there very accurate.


Active Member
I probably wouldn't trust the test strips if you are just getting started.
The chemicals involved with the basic tests are pretty safe. You can smell that at least one of the chemicals is just vinegar. I would just be careful that your 2 1/2 year old doesn't drink them or get them splashed in her eyes. Most of the containers only dispense in drops at a time so the dose of any potential accident is quite small unless your tubes fall over (and if that happened, the chemicals would have already been diluted quite a bit by your water). Keeping them locked up will help.
My 3 year old "helped" me doing the tests when I got started and I wasn't concerned. There are a lot more dangerous household cleaners to be more concerned with.


I agree with Doc, there are a lot more dangerous things in the average household than your test supplies.


Active Member
There are a few different options, for pH they sell a meter (around $100), but other than that you pretty much have to use the reagent tests. I also have children and you just have to treat the test kits like you do any other dangerous chemical in your house.