ora corals guide


New Member
With the help of many hobbyists, I am working on setting up a directory for ORA corals with descriptions and photos under different lighting setups. Check out http://www.oracorals.com. Please comment and feel free to submit your photos through the site.


Active Member
Nice site, I would send you some pics of my ORA stuff, but my camera skills are very poor to say the least. I didn't see the ORA Anacropora listed, it is not offered very much, I have a small piece of it. The frag I got didn't do so well at first, I save a tiny piece of it and it is now about the size of the original frag from ORA. It is not anything spectacular, just sort of rare because it isn't available too often, or at least not on most sites I've been to.


New Member
Hi, send it to me anyways. I'll see what I can do to make is sharper and more accurate. Just go to http://www.oracorals.com, go to contact us, and use the email address there.
Thanks in advance. If anyone else has photos, please send them in. Thanks again.