ORA Duncan

Soo after quite some time of looking for a good duncan coral in my area I finally found it. A local guy got this one in this week and I picked it up right after it got there. and I love it!

My camera isnt the best but the first two are about as close to a perfect representation of the color as possible.


Active Member
The frag on the pokerchip is hilarious....
Feed them everyother day, they grow like crazy as long as you keep your ca & alk in check
haha yeah theres a guy near here who used to sell frags on poker chips and I had one laying around and didnt wanna dig up a plug so onto the chip it went lol. Its a nice blasto merletti, red with yellow centers..
Ive been feeding it mysis and will continue to do so a couple times a week as I feed my micros/acans etc.. a few times a week as well.

ric maniac

Active Member
beautiful duncans! But be careful because the materiall used in some poker chips can kill everything in your tank. But if its been there for while i would not worry.


Active Member
Nice score. I've also got an ORA duncan and I bet you'll agree they're much cooler than the "non-ORA" duncans.

What program do you use to add the watermark? My trial program expired. =/


Active Member
Originally Posted by ViPeR_930
Nice score. I've also got an ORA duncan and I bet you'll agree they're much cooler than the "non-ORA" duncans.

What program do you use to add the watermark? My trial program expired. =/
Hey Viper, that single polyp of ORA duncan I got from you a few months ago is now at 9 polyps
I'll post pics a little later.
I have several types of Duncans, weird how they vary so much in color, I have some that are almost greenish/white and some that are not as intense green as the ORA's
Interesting observation, I have 3 colonys, all different, Just noticed that they have grown so much they now touch each other, I would have thought they would go into sting wars mode, but seem to be very passive to each other


Active Member
very nice warlock

hope you don`t mind me adding to "your" thread

there are mine that i got from a main competitors site, i see mine has longer
tenticles then yours so i`m wondering what type(morphs) or what ever mine might be ???

anyone have any ideas


Active Member
I've never seen Duncans with curly tip tentacles, very cool looking. I have some that have club shaped, some with ultra pointed and some with just rounded tips.
The poker chips have been with me for a few years. There is still a lfs in my area using them and in fact I have a couple acro colonies that are completely encrusted around a poker chip so you can even tell anymore that they are there. Plus its a conversation starter when someone see's it lol
The thing to think about with my duncans tentacles is that these are still rather small polyps compared to some that Ive seen that are a few inches across in size so I would say mine still have some changing to do till full grown.
thanks for the compliments and feel free to add your duncan shots, easier to find different types if they stay in the same thread
ooo and the "watermark"... is just text made to be opaque. not a true watermark, but Im not a huge fan of letting rip off artists use a good shot that I get to get over on people so I do what I can to make sure the picture stays "mine"


Active Member
Sounds like awsome growth maxalmon!

The ORA duncans do cost most than the new collected duncans coming in from Australia. I usually sell for $50-60/polyp for singles but less for multiple polyp frags but it's been a while. Not sure how much people are charging retail from ORA now. Warlock, mind if I ask how much you paid for yours?
I paid 30 a polyp for 5 full polyps, and it had a baby polyp that I didnt get charged for. in other words 150 for the whole thing
Thanks, I finally got a local guy here to order some in from ORA and he kept the first one for his own tank but it worked out in my favor because the second one he got was way better so I snagged it :)