orang spotted file fish


New Member
are these fish reef safe. i have an annemoe and a few mushroom rocks the tank is 60 gallon reef ready. any help would be great


Active Member
They only eat the polyps of hard corals. Can you take it back to the LFS? I am going to assume it was inexpensive..correct?


New Member
i havent even bought one yet i was just asking i am looking to get an exotic fish that is reef safe for a 60 gallon reef ready tank i have about 40 lns of live rock 1 sadlleback clown i yellow tan one blue damsel and 1 marron star fish and looking to add something unique


Active Member
Whew..good thing! Well..let's see. If you have a good depth on your sandbed you could add a cool jawfish. Bluespots are great,but average about $120.I keep a tiger jawfish..he
is really cool. If you are willing to escape-proof your tank you could get a snowflake eel or a ghost eel. You could do a small toby puffer like a valentini or a bluespotted..but they take special care, and you would have to remove the starfish.
Most of the non-reef safe fish get too large for your tank..this is the problem.
Perhaps a pinkface or paddlefin wrasse. You don't see them often.


Its good to see somebody researching before buying and its a really good thing you didnt buy the file fish as it would be a tragic waste of money because they are very difficult too keep and come into the category of fish that should be left in the sea. If you do go with a toby puffer you will not be dissapointed they are great fsh with an awesome personality that you can sit and watch for hours. Good luck with whatever fish you decide to go with.