orange lined cardinals breeding

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
I've had a group of 11 orange-lined cardinals (Apogon cyanosoma) in my sps reef for quite some time now, and yesterday I noticed one was not eating. Usually these guys are like little tuna attacking the turkey baster when I feed. I looked to see that indeed one of the males was carrying eggs!
Over the past few months two pairs have emerged and solidified their territory and bonds, while the remaining group of seven hang out up top in a school(the bachelors as my wife calls them). As far as I'm concerned this is the first spawning, and unfortunately the young emerge much smaller than Bangaiis and are much tougher to feed. There is no way I could remove the male, and so I will put off attempts at raising the young until we move later this year and I'm able to isolate the pairs. It would be cool though if some found there way to the refugium and found food during that critical time, but until then it's planktonic food for everyone...
I've always loved cardinals (especially the lesser known ones in the genus Apogon). Half my group is from Fiji and the other half the Coral Sea, although I found no distinguishable difference between the two.
Now for some pics...


Cool looking cardinals. I think I'll add that one to my stocking list for my 110:) Where did you find them?

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Not my picture... but this is what I can expect in about a week or so...
737 if you give me your e-mail I'll shoot you the site I got them from... I can't provide the link here because it's a competitors' site...