it is in a 36g marineland III with a biowheel. The Tank is 10wks old. 45lbs of LR and 20 lbs cc and LS. I acclilmated it drip for 3.5 hrs. SG/1.024 PH 8.4 alk 2,am0, trites 0, trates 12.temp 81. I thought it was dead yesterday morning. I left it in the tank till i got home from work. it was under a rock in the back of the tank and the hermits were bothering it. so I moved my rock and netted the star, placed it in a glass bowl while i put the rock back. I looked at it again and it was moving! so I put it in the net and in the tank to see what it would do. It climbed out! down the rock to the sand to the glass. Then to sand again. it was moving all around last pm. Now it is in the corner upside down,legs curled in. is it really dead this time?