Orange Linka Starfish Help!


sorry to hear that just remember when you go to get another star ask here for info first there are some like this one that are very sensitive or need special requirments. linkia for one that need a lot of rockwork and a very stable system. and remember the acclimation part for all stars.
sometimes even if you do everything the collectors and distributors may not have so you could still end up with the problem FWIW


thank you so much mike, i will use all your starfish advise when the time is right to do it again. i will make sure i do everything to give myself the best chance, thanks! brian.


I bought an orange linkia before my tank was really established because I wanted one. He came from Florida to Ca. I acclimated her for two hours and then placed her in the tank. She did really well during acclimation. Moving all over the place. After I put her in the tank, a while later, she got in a position where her leg looked stuck. I picked it off the glass gently and held it in the water. It looked all closed up so I thought it was dead. I pulled it out of the water and was ready to put it in a baggy to send back when I saw the little tenticles coming out. I freaked out and put it right back in. God I thought it was dead!!!!
After that, it moved all over the place. There are times that it gets in a position and stays there and looks like it is shriveled. I pick it up, Gently again mind you because I am a little nervous and I put it on a rock and it moves all over the place. I guess I am really lucky!!!
I know how hard it is to lose fish and animals. She is my favorite and losing her would be hard.
Don't blame yourself too much. It is hard to know what is best at the time. I think you did the best with the knowledge you had. There will be a day when you will keep one. I have had mine now for a week and it moves and eats actively. No shriveling noted. They can make it!!!!
Keep trying!!!


patti, thanks so much for your email. it sounds as though yours is doing great. once i get to the point where i can put another in, it will be a lot of fun. thanks for the post. hopefully next time around, it will be much off. have a great day! brian.


Active Member
Please do a lot of research on these stars before purchasing as they have some very very special needs and are very delicate! Not every tank is suitable for most species of seastars in this trade, and many of them die both from acclimation shock and starvation (because people don't realize that they can't be fed things- you must have a lot of live rock). In general, I do not recommend and reef safe star (eg a Linckia) in a tank less than 6 months old...and water chems must be pristine when it is added. Also, they need a lot of LR, depending on the species. Try not to handle them too is actually pretty clear in most cases when the animal is dead. It is common for these stars to not move for quite awhile, and moving it around is stressful.
Sorry about your star :(