Orange Linkia Star


New Member
I have just one Orange Linkia Star I bought a little over a week ago and today he looks like he just left one of his arms stuck to the glass as he moved away from it. Both are still stuck to the glass. Is he dying and I just don't know it or what?


Active Member
Uh oh.
This is a very delicate star. It needs a very mature tank (at least 6 months old) and a reef system. Pristine water conditions and a looong acclimation (many hours). They tend to show signs of acclimation shock within a month of introduction. When they die, they kind of disintegrate into pieces, or "melt." Unfortunately, what you are describing is probably a very bad sign. We'll keep our fingers crossed but.....
What are your specific water parameters (esp. pH and specific gravity)?
Can you give some specifics about your tank (how old, amount of LR, inhabitants, etc)?
Welcome to the board! I wish it was for a happier question :(


New Member
The Reef is about 3 months old. I acclimated him for about 4 hours. I have about 60 pounds of Tonga LR in the tank and other inhabitants are 2 Yellow Tangs, 1 royal gramma, a firefish Goby, small horseshoe crab, 3 peppermint shrimp and 3 green chromis in addition to the star in addition to many snails and hermit crabs. sg is 1.024 and ph is right around 8.3. all water conditions are excellent no ammonia no nitrites and < 10ppm nitrates.
He has simply been hanging on teh glass and not eating that I can tell. I don't think he was in great shape when I got him but....
Thanks for the post


Active Member
In all likelihood he is dying. They can not be spot fed, BTW, in most cases...the graze on various things on the LR so not responding to food isn't particularly a sign good or bad. But they really need mature systems. Even though they may look healthy, damage could have been in transport. As mentioned, they can take up to a month to suddenly die from acclimation shock, and may not show obvious signs of trouble before that. But, sometimes in the right tank (though specific gravity should be higher for these animals, 1.026 or so) they may recover.