orange or blue linkia


Active Member
I believe the orange are harder to keep, don't quote me on it though, lol. I've heard of a lot of people having trouble getting them to eat.


Active Member
They are both hard to keep. The orange is only "relatively" easier to keep, but that is relative to the blue....not that it is easy or hardy to keep. Both need a large mature reef tank with pristine water conditions. Neither can be spot fed. The blue is larger, and therefor needs a lot more LR. But I personally wouldn't try an orange with anything less than 100lbs of LR in a 75g reef tank, and that is definitely no guarantee of success (which is measured at the 18 month point).


Active Member
thanks ophiura i was hoping u had somethin to say
i will do a little bit of research and i will decide later on when my tank is older