Orange People Eaters for Trade

angler man

Envy Oranges have a very small dark rim adjacent to the green mouth. It's a very minor thing, but it's enough to identify from frauds. I have one I got that the guy swore they were real and told everyone that they were, but I just wanted to use my credit with the guy and be done with him and took a chance. I found a website that sells them for 300 a pop, and you can clearly see the dark oral ring. What you have is even different from what I have, and now these particular polyps are being sold at LFS's everywhere! Our local one here is getting some in next week. I'm not sure how much they will be selling each polyp, but they are supposedly getting in "Envy Oranges".
All I can say is there is a ton of these things cropping up everywhere and they are all fake.
If you use the search feature here and type in Envy Oranges you can see a pic of what I have. I have come to the unfortunate conclusion that they are indeed fake. Insanely close, but not identical.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Angler man
Envy Oranges have a very small dark rim adjacent to the green mouth. It's a very minor thing, but it's enough to identify from frauds. I have one I got that the guy swore they were real and told everyone that they were, but I just wanted to use my credit with the guy and be done with him and took a chance. I found a website that sells them for 300 a pop, and you can clearly see the dark oral ring. What you have is even different from what I have, and now these particular polyps are being sold at LFS's everywhere! Our local one here is getting some in next week. I'm not sure how much they will be selling each polyp, but they are supposedly getting in "Envy Oranges".
All I can say is there is a ton of these things cropping up everywhere and they are all fake.
If you use the search feature here and type in Envy Oranges you can see a pic of what I have. I have come to the unfortunate conclusion that they are indeed fake. Insanely close, but not identical.
Very good point. I have in the past couple weeks or so come up with several sources that seem to be selling the wrong item with the right label (ie high price for low value)
What is the growth rate like and where did you get them from?

angler man

Originally Posted by GRabbitt
Very good point. I have in the past couple weeks or so come up with several sources that seem to be selling the wrong item with the right label (ie high price for low value)
What is the growth rate like and where did you get them from?
My polyp looks to be ready to shoot out a few babies as the matting has expanded very nicely. As far as the seller, I cannot say because it's prohibited on this site, but what I can tell you is he's a crooked SOB. He will sell dying frags without any ethical issues. When I brought this up with him his response was "what am I supposed to do with them?" This is why I used my credit and have never returned. I also couldn't believe the guy put these polyps on his site as the real thing when people were questioning him from the get go. Some people are just crooked, and there's nothing we can do about it. I just hope his business fails so other people don't get screwed!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Angler man
My polyp looks to be ready to shoot out a few babies as the matting has expanded very nicely. As far as the seller, I cannot say because it's prohibited on this site, but what I can tell you is he's a crooked SOB. He will sell dying frags without any ethical issues. When I brought this up with him his response was "what am I supposed to do with them?" This is why I used my credit and have never returned. I also couldn't believe the guy put these polyps on his site as the real thing when people were questioning him from the get go. Some people are just crooked, and there's nothing we can do about it. I just hope his business fails so other people don't get screwed!
I suppose the best we can do at times like this is hope our own personal integrity somehow follows through....
Again, I mean NO disrespect to codylowe. I just recommend he confirms with several sources before making any final decisions.
Either way, they're a beautiful type (regardless of specificity) that I'm sure anyone would be happy to add to their collection


Originally Posted by Angler man
Envy Oranges have a very small dark rim adjacent to the green mouth. It's a very minor thing, but it's enough to identify from frauds. I have one I got that the guy swore they were real and told everyone that they were, but I just wanted to use my credit with the guy and be done with him and took a chance. I found a website that sells them for 300 a pop, and you can clearly see the dark oral ring. What you have is even different from what I have, and now these particular polyps are being sold at LFS's everywhere! Our local one here is getting some in next week. I'm not sure how much they will be selling each polyp, but they are supposedly getting in "Envy Oranges".
All I can say is there is a ton of these things cropping up everywhere and they are all fake.
If you use the search feature here and type in Envy Oranges you can see a pic of what I have. I have come to the unfortunate conclusion that they are indeed fake. Insanely close, but not identical.
Envy Oranges do not have a dark ring around the mouth. I found some big discussion boards about it and the major identifying factor of it, is that it has no dark ring around the mouth. Here is a pic of the Orange People Eater that has the dark ring...

The following pics are of confirmed Envy Oranges.

This is the one you say you bought (looks similar to the above pics, just much brighter, probably under 20k lighting)

I see no "dark ring" around any of the Envys... Only the colors are a little different and that is probably only due to the various lighting conditions they each were under.
Do you have a pic of the "dark ring" that mine apparently don't have? Any other source would work as well...

angler man

The dark ring is almost an outline on the green oral mouth. Look up at the pic that mscarpena posted. I see it clearly. The ones I saw for sale at 300 had the same thing. People I have spoken with talk about this being a distinguishable feature. Mine clearly don't have it nor do yours. Like I said, there are a bunch of these things out there that come close, but I hate to see someone spend their hard earned money on something that is false including yourself.


Originally Posted by Angler man
The dark ring is almost an outline on the green oral mouth. Look up at the pic that mscarpena posted. I see it clearly. The ones I saw for sale at 300 had the same thing. People I have spoken with talk about this being a distinguishable feature. Mine clearly don't have it nor do yours. Like I said, there are a bunch of these things out there that come close, but I hate to see someone spend their hard earned money on something that is false including yourself.
Well, i have submitted pics to a zoa naming website for inclusion and confirmation of these being Envy Orange. All pics i have seen of them do not have a "green oral mouth" only the neon green inside of the mouth. Could you please post a pic of yours?
Also FYI... I am not trying to sell these for $300 per polyp, nor am I here to "rip" anyone off. I could never charge that much, or pay that much for any zoa/paly. In fact, i didn't even pay $300 for the 75+ polyp colony I have. I was only looking to trade for SPS or other nice zoas. I am not here to make money, only here to expand the prettiness of my tanks and to expand the hobby.

angler man

Originally Posted by codylowe
Well, i have submitted pics to a zoa naming website for inclusion and confirmation of these being Envy Orange. All pics i have seen of them do not have a "green oral mouth" only the neon green inside of the mouth. Could you please post a pic of yours?
Also FYI... I am not trying to sell these for $300 per polyp, nor am I here to "rip" anyone off. I could never charge that much, or pay that much for any zoa/paly. In fact, i didn't even pay $300 for the 75+ polyp colony I have. I was only looking to trade for SPS or other nice zoas. I am not here to make money, only here to expand the prettiness of my tanks and to expand the hobby.

Mine is from the pic above. It was literally taken from that colony. I have it under 14k's right now and it's about two to three shades brighter than your 14K pic.
FYI, I'm not saying you are selling these for 300, nor was I accusing you of being dishonest. I was trying to help you on identifying a zoanthid.


Originally Posted by Angler man
Mine is from the pic above. It was literally taken from that colony. I have it under 14k's right now and it's about two to three shades brighter than your 14K pic.
FYI, I'm not saying you are selling these for 300, nor was I accusing you of being dishonest. I was trying to help you on identifying a zoanthid.
Could you take / and post a picture of yours please?


Originally Posted by Angler man
Here's a pic I have found.
I can take a pic but it will take a few days. My camera is worthless, but my buddy can swing over and take a few shots.
I see what you are talking about now with the purple rim on that one. I still think that what i have are envy's - there is nothing else that i am aware of that come close (besides OPE but that was ruled out). It's out there for validation, so i will just wait and see. With any corals, you will have slight variations of color and such. My camera is not all that great. I am having a really hard time catching the "true" colors. I think I need to upgrade to an SLR.

Regardless, I am not looking to bring these to the bank. I am just wanting to make sure on what they are and then trade for other corals. I think they look awesome and that's all that really matters i guess.


This could and probably should be moved out of the selling forum anyways now. It is more like a "coral id needed" thread.


Now looking at other pics i have - it could very well just be the angle the polyp was shot at. Here is a pic of one of mine at the same angle and you can see the so called "ring", or at least the forming of a ring.

You can see all the color variations in each picture i have. Some are 'good' angles and make it look more colorful and such, some are bad. Here in a few days i will look into my camera manual and see if i can capture better pics with the true colors.