Originally Posted by
Angler man
Envy Oranges have a very small dark rim adjacent to the green mouth. It's a very minor thing, but it's enough to identify from frauds. I have one I got that the guy swore they were real and told everyone that they were, but I just wanted to use my credit with the guy and be done with him and took a chance. I found a website that sells them for 300 a pop, and you can clearly see the dark oral ring. What you have is even different from what I have, and now these particular polyps are being sold at LFS's everywhere! Our local one here is getting some in next week. I'm not sure how much they will be selling each polyp, but they are supposedly getting in "Envy Oranges".
All I can say is there is a ton of these things cropping up everywhere and they are all fake.
If you use the search feature here and type in Envy Oranges you can see a pic of what I have. I have come to the unfortunate conclusion that they are indeed fake. Insanely close, but not identical.
Envy Oranges do not have a dark ring around the mouth. I found some big discussion boards about it and the major identifying factor of it, is that it has no dark ring around the mouth. Here is a pic of the Orange People Eater that has the dark ring...
The following pics are of confirmed Envy Oranges.
This is the one you say you bought (looks similar to the above pics, just much brighter, probably under 20k lighting)
I see no "dark ring" around any of the Envys... Only the colors are a little different and that is probably only due to the various lighting conditions they each were under.
Do you have a pic of the "dark ring" that mine apparently don't have? Any other source would work as well...