orange rusty color


There is a orange rusty color growing on my rocks , froming over the white die off , i have been adding calcium so the die off would reverse , is this coraline or algea that should be cleaned? Its acctually just one rock right now but it is spreading


Active Member
Sounds Cyano BACTERIA (sp) and is normal in a new establishment. I could be wrong, but thats what it sounds like and will go away. Just ensure as well that there are no dead spots in the tank (no flow)


i'm not sure if it's cyano or if it's diatoms. but you might want to invest in a cleanup crew. i bought 3 small emerald crabs from exotic, and a little turbo snail, and they ate up all the brown stuff. the crabs are freakin huge now. i then ordered a clean-up crew from this site and they are taking care of all the other crap in the tank.
but other than that, there shouldnt be a problem with the animals in your tank.
also, you should get a calcium tester. dont put too much of the calcium additive. i heard that you should only put that if your inverts and corals are using them all up, and your rocks are turning purple.