Originally Posted by LJRoman85
Its actually a 110 gal tank. not the 46 I used to have. So quick to judge before even asking I can see why you got that idea though.....I highly recommend getting one if you can find it...he is the pig of my tank eats EVERYTHING even took a few snips at my fingers when i put in the seaweed it was pretty cool, but I have never seen him act aggressive towards any other fish ever I heard they are aggressive too...I like him a lot he has even started to eat from my hand...i'll see if I can get some pics later....he is so fat too :hilarious
Why do you think I am so quick to judge when I just asked what size tank you have him in?? :notsure: :notsure: :notsure: I was interested in getting one for my 125 because I like the looks of them...that's all. I never said anything judgemental, just curious...jeez.