Orange Shoulder Tang In 75?

I know they say tangs need 6 ft tanks, but on sime sites it says an Orange Shoulder needs at least a 75. Can this tang make it in a 75?


Active Member
Maybe for 6 months to an year. But I wouldn't do it they are very active fish and need lots space to swim


Well-Known Member
Many sites give minimum tank sizes, but often this is for the size of the fish they are selling. OST's can grow to 12", but it's typically 9"-10" in captivity. At maturity, many experts recommend tanks in the 180 gallon range. You can probably get by for awhile in the 75, but it will be cruel to the fish if you keep it in that tank after it reaches 4"-5". As tangs naturally have long swim patterns, it will be much happier, and consequently healthier, in a large tank.
Got ya Pegasus. I did see a you tube video and it looked like they get big. I didn't understand how they can say 75 gal minimum but have something that big in it.
I like the Picasso trigger but am trying to stay away from it. I'd like to have a cleanup crew and of course can't keep one with the trigger. I also like the valentini puffer but trying to stay away from it for the same reason.


Active Member
Actually trigger40 has a picasso trigger and he keeps a clean up crew with him so it can be done
Now that's interesting. I guess like they say each fish has a personality of their own. I've had 2 and both tore up my hermits and snails. Did he do something special?


Well-Known Member
yes you can do a humu trigger with a cuc. but it takes some effort to find get one. it all starts with finding a less aggressive trigger at your lfs. there a few things you will be looking for:

1)you want a trigger fish that is not kept alone, a trigger that is kept alone generaly means it is a very aggressive individual.

2)look for a trigger that when it interacts with its tank mates it is not showing sings of aggression. you want to spend the better part of a hour watching the trigger, observing its behavior.

3)if the trigger shows sings of being aggressive around its home, you dont want that fish. its ok if it is chasing the fish away every now and then but nothing over the top.

this is not a sure way to get a reef safe trigger but it is to get a nice trigger, but it does gives you a better chance for a reef safe.

i trained my trigger to be reef safe and if you get a humu trigger i recomend you do the same. start off with some hermit crabs and feed your trigger A LOT. the trigger fish will eventualy get used to being fed for food and not having the need to hunt. so once the trigger starts leaving the hermits alone you start building up your cuc. eventualy you will have a full cuc. but it takes time to tame a preditor like a humu trigger so slowly buld up your cuc. start with hermits and star fish, then add large snails, crabs, shrimp, then small snails. when you buy a cuc member start of with one. see how the trigger reacts to it then after that if things go well you can get get more of that species.