Orange shoulder tang


OK so I moved my rockwork around and Its much more open and the fish love it, but I am seeing some micro algae on my rocks like hair algae or something like it, it's not insane yet but I want to get rid of it so I have a yellow tang that picks at the rock every so often but I have 2 wrasses and a hawkfish so they resctrict my cuc so I am thinking of getting some big turbos like the mexican ones or something so they wont be able to get them, but I talked to my lfs and said that is good but they also said they are getting in 4 small orange shoulder tangs and they said that I should get one but I have a 75 gallon tank with about 80 pounds of live rock and I thought orange shoulders get pretty big also i don't know how my yellow tang will like him/her. So please tell me your input.


Or any other way to help get rid of I am also getting a two little fishies phosphate reactor and a new proetein skimmer the swc 150 bmk so that will help prevent it in the future and I am might also get more macro-algae for refugium.