Orange Shpulder Tang


Active Member
Here's my newest addition to the reef. Sorry about the flash but without it you can't see too good. D*&% fish won't pose for me:rolleyes:


Active Member
Took your advice and gave him a sheet of nori. Now the little s*(% wants two sheets or he won't pose again;)
You know Debi, I think they can get along. We just need some positive tang counseling!


Active Member
Maybe a little "tang group therapy" would do it.
We have a blonde naso and a yellow tang and they could chase and eat nori all day long. They go through about 6 sq inches of it every day. We buy the really big packages now.


Active Member
Debi has it figured out. We can keep all the tangs in any size tank we want, all we need is a good tang therapist to help them deal with their aggression! Any volunteers?
Skilos, I picked him up at Tien's. That guy has the best fish. I've never been disappointed with anything I've bought from him.


Active Member
He had a juvi in there as well but I didn't want my yellow tang to be jealous of another yellow fish for the time being. If they can even tell the difference. The YT was a little ill for a few hours but has pretty much gotten over it. They seem fine together now.
Is yours starting to get the bicolor look already?