Orange sponge


New Member
Can anyone let me know what one of these look like when they start to die. I have one and it looks like it has clear hairs growing all over the body. Is this normal? Please help me out. If it in fact going to die or is on the path to death I want to pull it out.


Normally they start to turn white around the outside edges of the sponge, then slowly disintegrate (sp).
I am not sure about the clear hairs, but if you have hair algae in the tank, it can cover the sponge and kill it.
Don't trash it yet until you get a few more posts from someone with a little more knowledge about them.


I'm the expert on this one. i've had 2 sponges that died and they never touched air! but the first sing is to see algea on the sponge. then it starts to turn a black color. then it turns a white color. the whatever is white, decenagrates in the tank. if the whole sponge is white take it out. but if only a little is white, keep it in there. i have a huge 3 foot sponge that was almost all white but all i did was take off all the white on sponge and it has a chance! isnt that amazing! <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" />


I, too, just added an orange sponge to my tank. My greatest concern is algae cloggin up the pores... but sponges are said to have excellent regenerative capabilities, so maybe try cutting away dead areas.
I do have a question for any Sponge Bob Square Pants out there -- is ther a way to remove or scrape off any algae growing on the sponge?