Orange Spot Goby??

Thinking of getting one of these this weekend. It will go in my 55gal reef. I have a quickcrete DSB. I saw him last weekend, and he looks like the coolest thing! Loads of personalty. ANy special treatment or needs that i need to be aware of?
/just doin' some homewerk:cool:


I know it as a diamond back goby. Make sure that the top of your aquarium is completely sealed and that there is no possible exit.
At night these guys will make an attempt at finding the smallest possible way to jump out of the the water to an untimely death.
(I just think that they are all suicidal)
Also feeding them... since they are a sand sifting fish you might have to drop some ood that will hit the bottom (algae tab etc)
so that they will eat because they will rarely come to the surface to eat!


I have 2 of them. They do sift the sand alot. But they are great. Hopefully your DSB is live....that will be their primary source of food. They will eat almost anything. Love mysid shrimp and are doing great on new spectrum food (brine and fish meal pellets)
Good Luck