I had a diamond goby a while back but he died rather quickly, he was a burrow digger and very shy....
Today I got an orange spotted goby, he's out and about, prancing and swimming around, stops to perch and stare at me...staring back at him.
SOOO cute! Just wondering if any of you have had/do have any, and if so, does your dig or hide? Or did I get one a little different.
Please be introduced to my newest baby "Gil", our latest addition to the family
Today I got an orange spotted goby, he's out and about, prancing and swimming around, stops to perch and stare at me...staring back at him.
SOOO cute! Just wondering if any of you have had/do have any, and if so, does your dig or hide? Or did I get one a little different.
Please be introduced to my newest baby "Gil", our latest addition to the family