Orange Spotted Goby



I had a diamond goby a while back but he died rather quickly, he was a burrow digger and very shy....
Today I got an orange spotted goby, he's out and about, prancing and swimming around, stops to perch and stare at me...staring back at him.
SOOO cute! Just wondering if any of you have had/do have any, and if so, does your dig or hide? Or did I get one a little different.
Please be introduced to my newest baby "Gil", our latest addition to the family


yes they are all sifters and very shy at first- I have also been told they are jumpers, but the one I had got crushed under a rock he dug under so make sure you rock is on the bottom of the tank
just my experience


Active Member
very cool, i had a diamond watchmen goby as well but he died too. I'm thinking this will be my next goby. What size tank is he in?


I have one and he's awesome. They are incredibly shy at first, but eventually become very social. The first day I got mine he decided to jump into the overflow box. I assumed he was hiding in the tank since I felt around in the overflow box and didn't feel the next day I stick my hand in the overflow box again and felt nothing...4 days from the first day I got him I stick my hand in the overflow to check AGAIN and I feel a dead goby. I guess he had been avoiding my hand when I felt around before. But after I lift him about a centimeter he starts wigglin' and shakin' Not gonna lie...scared the living crap out of me. Straight up pet cemetary stuff. It took a long time to get him back in good health, but a year later and he's still livin and lovin aquarium life. My favorite fish. They are very cool. Just be sure that there are no excape routes.


He's in QT awaiting placement in his 75g...
He must be a shrimp-goby because the one pictured isn't shy in the least, in fact he's very nosey...constantly watching me and he doesn't burrow at all. I was trying to decipher if the species had different habits or else I just may have one confused fish! That's ok....we love him regardless :)