Orbicular burrfish


Active Member
Thanks guys. I think part of the reason it worked, results from him being hand trained. I usually feed him by hand, so once when he saw me putting nori in for the angels, he swam over and grabbed it. Scared the hell out of me
Now he as no problems eating nori.


Active Member
Your angels don't pick on him or anything. What else are you keeping? And what size is he in again??


Active Member
Originally Posted by rlablan
Your angels don't pick on him or anything. What else are you keeping? And what size is he in again??
For the moment, he is in my 60gal QT, with a Blueface Angel, Rock Beauty Angel, Japanese Golden Hawkfish, and an Hawaii Bluespotted Puffer. The two angels aren't too bad with the Burrfish. The Blueface will occansionally let him know whose boss. The Rock Beauty is a little guy at 2.5" so the Burr's size keeps him in check. Unfortunately the Rock Beauty sometimes "thinks" he's helping the Burr, and he nips at his spikes (assuming he thinks its a parasite, as juvi angels are cleaners in the wild). The Burr hates it.
The two angels and hawkfish will move to my 240 when it's completed (see my build thread in Aggressives). I also have a 55gal QT, holding other fish that also are destined for the 240. The 55gal will then be replaced with 75gal, "a puffer tank." The Striped Burrfish, the Bluespotted, and looking into others, maybe a boxfish.


Active Member
That sounds great!
I did not know that about the juvi angels. I have never had a Juvi so, I wouldn't have witnessed this though.
I think I have decided To move the fire fish and watchmen to the 55 gallon reef and then put orby in the living room tank with the foxface and the b/w clown.
I miss seeing his little face everyday. Maybe I can train his to eat nori. He eats everything in sight!! hehe


Active Member
I found my pistol shrimp tonight. He is alive and well and has a burrow right in the front of the tank. It looks like the watchmen may be paired with him, or is going to. He is sitting right outside the burrow, and The pistol didn't try to eat him or stun him, so that is good. They are living right behind my Large feather duster.
I still can't believe I have never heard his pistol noise! Crazy...
I am gonna give the firefish and the watchmen a few more days to really get to know the aquarium and then to really find good hiding places. Then I will take orby out of the sump and put him back in the display of this tank. I think once the fish know where to run to, they should be okay. If not... well then it's just natural selection. I will also make sure to OVER FEED orby before he goes in, so he won't be hungry.
I am really happy!