Orbit 4x65 lighting/Coral question.


New Member
I am upgrading from a 55g to a 75g. I'm planning on getting the Orbit 4x65 lighting
unit. Will this be enough light to support corals like Frogspawn or Torch??
I'm not interested in too much else, I like alot of movement. Thanks in advance for
your replies.


Active Member
Originally Posted by tifosi
I am upgrading from a 55g to a 75g. I'm planning on getting the Orbit 4x65 lighting
unit. Will this be enough light to support corals like Frogspawn or Torch??
I'm not interested in too much else, I like alot of movement. Thanks in advance for
your replies.

IMO they should have more in order to thrive. but for around the same price you can get an 8x54watt t5 lighing and keep just about anything you want. even the 4x54 watter would be better IMO


Active Member
i have seen it done successfully... u just need to put the more demanding corals as close to the top of the tank as possible.. i would post the thread, but it is from a different forum and they would delete it..
but this guy had several corals that "you need to have halides for" under pc lighting and they thrived because he knew where to put them..