Orchid and 6 line


Is there any chance my orchid dottyback would get along with a 6 line wrasse?
Both in a reef with clown and blenny.
What do you think?


I would have to say it depends on the fish....both are listed as semi-aggressive, so you are taking a chance....my 6line is the most peaceful fish in my 54G
and by bi-color is a mean little sucker in the 225G
so....who knows


So worse case, would one of them kill the other?
Would i be able to tell they are not getting along and move it to another tank?


Originally Posted by anti http:///forum/thread/379741/orchid-and-6-line#post_3301852
So worse case, would one of them kill the other?
Would i be able to tell they are not getting along and move it to another tank?
You tell me....is the worst case scenario death

well I would think so......there is no telling if you would be able to get one out after entered....are you willing to take your 55lbs of rock out to do it?????


I just added these two fish into my SPS 14G tank that I have running right now.
The orchid did pick on the SixLine immediately and still does every now and then, but the sixline didn't submit and now they're living peacefully together.
Just provide hiding places, 30G should be okay if there is plenty of hiding places in the live rock, if not, offer some PVC piping for them to hide in.


Originally Posted by anti http:///forum/thread/379741/orchid-and-6-line#post_3301943
wow in a 14! Thanks im going to try this and see..
Yup. I do have plenty of hiding places in my LR and being that it is an SPS tank, there's lots of branchy corals for them to hide in as well. I also have PVC pieces scattered here and there as well as one of those ornamental barnacle clusters in this tank (was supposed to be for the blue spot jawfish, but he hates it).
Keep in mind that both the orchid and the six line are fish with bold attitudes. They will fight and hopefully one will become submissive and the fighting will end. That's usually what happens, you just have to be careful and watch how bad the aggression from the dominant fish is.
My Orchid is definitely the dominant fish, and it did pick on the sixline, but they're fine now. That being said, I'm not ready to remove the PVC and the orchid does still occasionally pick on the sixline during feeding.


Unlike with most fish, my suggestion would be to add them at the same time. This is what I did. My theory behind this was that they're both bold temperments and if I let either establish territory first, they'd surely beat on the other once it was introduced. I think that by adding both, I may have actually cut down on the aggression. This is one of the few circumstances where I'd say to add two fish at the same time. Just keep an eye on water quality.
Also, add the fish with just the moonlights on the tank, no daylight/white light and don't feed 'til the next day.


we've had a neon psuedo and now a mcculloghi psuedo and they have killed more fish combined than i care to count at this time. Definitely an aggressive little bugge.r


I went ahead with this.
The orchid nipped at the 6 line a few times then one time the 6 line nipped back, and the orchid seemed to submit after that.
they seem to be keeping to themselves now.
so far so good!


Active Member
That is a nice bubble tip anemone you have there. Has it anchored in that position for very long?


Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///forum/thread/379741/orchid-and-6-line#post_3304378
Oh, they're unbelievably quick.
Six Linse will learn every inch of your rock work in about 3 seconds!
Have you found where he sleeps yet, they look so cool when they sleep
Yes! It took me forever, and I have no idea how he gets in there!
He dug his way under some rocks and all I could see was his eye it is quite a sight to see!