order for new display...

nm reef

Active Member
...just placed a rather large order for clean up crew additions to the new display. Its really adjusting well and in need of some janitors. I'll be adding a fighting conch/5 emeralds/2 sallys/20 scarlets/2 peppermint/10 cerith snails/10 nassarius snails/10 astrea snails...plus a aqua cultured multi rock for a fellow reefer locally. If the multi rock is near as nice as the pics look I may purchase a few for my own reef.:yes:
I hate the expense this hobby involves...but I sure do like getting new stuff!!!!!


Do you have any pics? I'd love to see how the new display is coming along. I remember seeing pics of your 55 gallon (at least I think it was a 55) and it looked awsome... I'm sure this new display will look even better.

nm reef

Active Member
Yup I do have pics...but due to current attachment limitations none are suitable for posting here. I'll soon be updating my website and new pics will be posted there. By the way the 55 is still featured on my site(click the lil house icon below for access)...I do have a few recent threads with some pics already posted...try a search on my name for the recent pics and some shots of the LR purchased from the host.
Right now I'm experiencing some algae blooms and some serious diatoms...but there are a few corals transfered over from the 55 and all is doing well so far.Actually things are progressing a bit faster than I had anticipated...in time all the 55's livestock will be in the new 100 plus a large number of additional coral species.

nm reef

Active Member
I can't wait to see it stocked either...especially with a few acros and montis...the search will soon be on for suitable frags...:joy:
I've never had a problem with sallys...the few I've kept have been model citizens...one just up and died on me and the other was eaten by what my wife thought was a cute lil fish(but actually was a killer red coris wrasse)...I have heard of problems with sallys but like I mentioned they have never been a problem for me. Same sort of story with the scarlets and the emeralds...some swear they are murders...but I have no problems with them.:thinking: