order from saltwaterfish.com


I am planning on making an order on SWF as soon as they re-open. I was wondering what fish I should get. My tank is a 55 gallon with 45 ilbs of live rock, sand, 2 clowns, and 2 damsels. Right now the tank has got a lot of algea in it, so I am planning on getting a cleanup crew.. With fish I am going to order a flame angel and I was thinking one of the following- Madrain Dragonet, firefish gobly, or red spotted hawkfish... I really like the dragonet, but I here they are hard to keep. And with the hawkfish, will it eat shrimp, and any other inverts?
With the reef pack, I might costomize it... Any tips on what type of inverts I should get? What about a conch?Or anemones? Crabs? Thanks for any responses


Conchs are cool. I have 2. They stay on the sand and do a good job of keeping it clean. Turbos are good at cleaning algae off of rock and glass quickly. Astreas are ok but you have to babysit them if theyre small. Theyre not strong enough to stay on the glass long. When they fall they cant upright themselves and become a quick meal for hermits.Larger ones do better. Blueleg hermits are ok.Scarlets are less aggressive.Crabs are like people some can be mild mannered and some are just jerks. Different people can have different experiences with the same species of crab. When picking fish keep in mind what the future plans for the tank are. Reef or just fish w/LR. Hope this helps....................... Angelo


New Member
Every once in a while you can get lucky on a dragonet. I've got one in my 20H. I've had to work my butt off to feed that thing but I think it's well worth it. I feed live phytoplankton every other day and live brine once a week. The phytoplankton works great for stimulating the copepod growth (which is the dragonet's favorate food). I've even seen my dragonet eat frozen brine and frozen formula 1. I wouldn't bank on your dragonet being this easy to get along with, but it may be worth a try if you really like the fish.


Active Member
Here is just my opinion:
1. return the damsels
2. add a small clean up crew and then add as needed (make your own, forget the packages)
3. Flame angel and firefish are ok (if damsels are removed), but remember it is hit or miss if you ever go reef (and you will) with the angel. The firefish will hid most of the time, so you may want to reconsider that.
4. Manderian is out---needs a very established tank with tons of pods at the least---if you have a fudge to reproduce them (pods) then maybe down the road.
5. If you want a clean up crew--stay away from the hawkfish
6. IMHO--no anenomes. Its a regreat later down the road.
7. With the angel--trust me on this, let your tank establish for a good 6 months beforehand.
JMO, do with it what you want. HTH


Active Member
I will agree with Clark.
For the small exeption: The cleanup packages are better to get the than doing it yourself money wise. At least what I want and have done on paper. A smaller crew will do better than a larger though. Weigh the options.
They do not allow you to change any of the package crews anymore. I got an email two weeks ago from them about it.
But at least return a damsel.


alright, this is what I ordered-
Lawnmower Blenny 1 $@12.99
Red Spotted Hawkfish 1 @$14.99
50 Empty Hermit Crab Shells 1 @$7.99
Fighting Conch - Aquacultured 1 @$6.89
Arrow Crab 1 @$2.99
Scarlet Hermit Crab - Group of 10 1 @$19.97
Turbo/Astrea Snail - Group of 10 2 @$9.99
Total Shipping: $0.00
Total Surcharge: $4.99
Total Tax: $0.00
Order Total: $90.79
I am not returning the damsels for 2 reasons-
1. I live 2 hours to the nearest saltwater fish store
2. my damsels have gotten along fine with my 2 clowns.. They do not chase them or anything "do their own thing while the clowns do theirs)
The tank has been up for 6 months
I got the hawkfish and the cleanup crew, will the hawk attack hermits or crabs??? I don't see how it would break their shell.
I am also making another order in 2 or 3 weeks with
a flame angel
some more hermits and maby an emerald crab
maby another fish, depending on how the new fish do. What is your oppinion on a six line wrasse or yellow?
your 2 cents on what I got for my 55 gallon 45ilbs of live rock and set up for 6 months with 2 damsels, 2 clowns, and one hermit (back is covered in algea)
ALSO- What food should i pick up for these fish? The hawk, benny, and angel that is on the way? Any frozen???


the spotted hawkfish will sit close to your inverts and hunt them. It will be aggressive and attack in little waves. It will most likely cause distress and your crabs (Arrow) will not put up a good defense in the long run. However, if you are set on a hawkfish I recommend a longnose. I have had one for over 8 months and he has harrassed my cleaners and pepps but never killed or distressed them. He now sits on a perch hunting pods and mysis shrimp all day and night. One of fish with the most character. Also perches on the magfloat in plain view most of the day. No need for the empty shells either, you will have plenty in a short while, nature man!