Order of ops for fuge


I am in the process of adding a fuge to my system. I'm still operating the 30 gallon sump under the 130 gal tank in the cabinette. The fuge system is going in my basement. I just tracked my mag-drive 36 and should get it today. After some simple plumbing I should be able to engergize the new 55 gallon sump (with fuge baffles/dividers) in the basement.
So the question:
How should I go about adding live sand, live rock and cheato? What are your thoughts on cheato vs. calpura?
I will need to purchase additonal sand, live rock. Should I cure both of these in a separate container? How long? Add macro algea a while after rock and sand are introduced?
Thanks in advance. I'm looking forward to this. It should be fun.
:jumping: :cheer: :hilarious


Active Member
Sounds like a cool project you’re working on! I put a 30gal fug under my 55gal last year and it has been a great benefit to my system! I’d probably skip live sand all together and instead add a deep sand bed (remote dsb’s can be very benefical). Also, when I put mine in, I had a few chunks of live rock that were the size of my fist and I put a lot of rubble in and I’ve really had a lot of success growing PODs and Mysis.
I prefer Cheato over calupera because it’s less likely to go sexual, I think it’s much easier to prune and I think it provides a better breeding place for critters.
I’d fill it, then add sand and once it clears up some I’d add the rock and in a few weeks I’d add the algae.


Cool. Thanks for the reply. When you say just add a deep sand bed your talking about just that crushed argonite stuff that you just buy in the bag, right? Thanks a ton.


Active Member
Originally Posted by abethedog
I'm fairly convinced that no one in the world likes me.
Great..and now I'm Guilt Ridden and filed with remorse...
I read your post yesterday but just didn't have the time to respond...

So back to the question...
"How should I go about adding live sand, live rock and cheato? What are your thoughts on cheato vs. caulurpa?
I will need to purchase additional sand, live rock. Should I cure both of these in a separate container? How long? Add macro algae a while after rock and sand are introduced?"
If the rock is "cured" IE: been in an established tank or "known" to be in the LFS curing tank for a number of weeks, it can go directly in the fuge... If your getting it fresh or shipped, it will need to be cured in a separate container before adding to your "established" system (even if the fuge is new)..
Once the sump fuge is built set up and water tested, you can add sand, if you can separate the fuge or from rest of flow do so, if you have a flow thru design, fill with water but leave pumps off until sand has a chance to settle...
Once water has cleared your can fire up the pumps and start circulating waterflow...then if rock is "cured" add directly and place Macro don't forget adequate lighting...
Now I don't see much use for large chunks of LR in the fuge, I think it should be in the main tank where it can recieve adaquate flow, oxygenation and circulation...as well as a full compliment of clean up crew to "work" it...However smaller pieces of LR "rubble" can be benificial in a fuge for pod production and other forms of mico flora and fauna...
I have had good luck with Caulurpa, but I run high light and 24/7..
If your lighting is minimal or your running RDP or less than 24/7 you may have better luck with Chaeto..
Chaeto will require a higher flow rate than the Caulurpa..