ordering a 240 today need help


Active Member
Hi guys I'm going to order a 240 long today 96x24x25 my first question is this. I want the tank drilled with overflows instaled. Shouls I go with one in the middle or one in each corner? Second and most important question is what size holes should I have them drill? I searched around and couldn't really find a clear answer.


get the bulkheads first and send them to who ever is drilling the tank. Not all 1" use a 1 3/4 hole, some are 1" 5/8 ect. they come in different sizes and matching up to the hole can be a pain.


Active Member
ok guys I just ordered my tank. The guy is drilling 4 holes in the tank for me. 2 that are lines running down are 2 3/4 inch. He is including the bulkheads for me. Then he is drilling 2 return lines also. I got the tank from glasscages.com. I have to pick the tank up in chicago on feb 16th. Well here goes a couple thousand dollars. LOL


Active Member
Sounds like a good setup. You'll want to make sure you get some really good return pumps. With that size overflow you can have a high turnover rate. I just setup a 240 about 6 weeks ago. Depending on what you are planning to do with it, it will take lots of LR. So far I'm at 300 lbs. for my FOWLR. What are you planning to do with this tank? Also have you looked at any type of filtration yet? Best of luck, and I'd like to see some pics when you get started.


Active Member
I'm thinking about making it a reef tank. As far as filtration goes I'm not sure yet. Probally a large tank underneith like a 55 or something. It will hold a good protien skimmer and maybe some other stuff. Any suggestions? Not sure on what return pump(s) I'll be using. Maybe an external pump so I can push a lot of water.


Active Member

Originally posted by BigMac
I guess you didn't like any of my suggestions?

What suggestions? I didn't see anything about filtration in your post? The tank is glass. It is drilled for a closed loop. There are 2 corner overflows.


Active Member
You'll have lots of room underneath to work with filtration. I used 1 55 gallon on my 240 FOWLR, and now I think I should have used 2 55's. I have a 240 that I'm going to setup as a reef. On this tank I'm going to use 2 55 gallon tanks. 1 for a sump, and 1 for a refugium. The return pumps I use are rated about 1200 gph. made by custom sea life. It's extremely quite. I still havn't figured out how I'm going to connect the 2 55's together, and how I'm going to plumb everything, but I'll probably start on it in the next week or 2.


Active Member
stacy, i would reccommend using each as an individual sump, that way your water will get filtered two different times, and that way you wouldnt hae to worry about all the little critters in the fuge tank gettign skimmed out or the skimmer pulling out all the nutrients that the macroalgae would use to grow. just a suggestion though