Ordering a fish


I am ordering a fish from here or somewhere online tonight. So, I ask you what to buy. I am looking at the following
-Clown Tang
-Blonde Naso Tang
-Powder Blue Tang
-Sohal Tang
-Queen Angel
I dont want to spend more than 100 bucks. So that leaves out some of these. But I just want your opinion on what you think I should get, and state a reason why you think I should get that fish. Thanks alot!


Do you have one? They are alot, plus I would prefer an active Tang. I think i am going to scratch the Angels off my list. I will wait for those.


if you get a emporer angel as a juvenile they are cool and cheap like sometimes about 29.99 at some places but get a clown tang there awesome and swim alot and just are so cool i just got mine but is a little bit of a bully but they are so cool get a clown tang because they swim all the time :happyfish


New Member
While I cna't comment on your fish selection because I haven't got any of those, I wanted to comment that I have recieved excellent product from this site, with fast hassle free shipping and great packaging.
I've also ordered from marinedepotlive.com and had excellent service. Actually I ordered some live rock from them yesterday at about 3pm and it got here this morning at 9am! From clear across the country.
Good luck with your fish selection. :)


Originally Posted by Ant11899
While I cna't comment on your fish selection because I haven't got any of those, I wanted to comment that I have recieved excellent product from this site, with fast hassle free shipping and great packaging.
I've also ordered from marinedepotlive.com and had excellent service. Actually I ordered some live rock from them yesterday at about 3pm and it got here this morning at 9am! From clear across the country.
Good luck with your fish selection. :)
I would take that website out. You arent allowed to post competitors websites. But I ordered from them also before. And had excellent service. I think I am going to order from SWF though.


I like your list, all of these are beautiful. How big is your tank and what else is in there or what else do you plan to keep in the future?


how big is ur tank.... swf.com requires a minimum subtotal of like 80 to even make a purchase... if u have a tank size over 100 get a juve emp angel.... they are amazing! im telling you juve emp angel and theyre not too expensive theyre even cheaper than some of the other fish u want


I only order from here. It is hassle free, great livestock and prices. I would like some new corals but they never have any. Anyone know why ? I wish they sold clams also.


New Member
Originally Posted by I<3Fish
I would take that website out. You arent allowed to post competitors websites. But I ordered from them also before. And had excellent service. I think I am going to order from SWF though.
Hey when you need some corals and they only have TWO mushrooms listed, a girl's gotta do what a gir's gotta do. IMO not much of a competetor when there's nothing to compete against kwim?


I have to agree with the last post the LFS is lacking in corals and so is SWF.com!


UPDATE GUYS! They just got a huge shipment of fish. They have almost every one I want. So I decided to get the Queen Angel and the Blonde Naso, or just 1. I cant decide if I should get both or just 1. Is that Naso hardy? Is the Queen hardy?