Ordering Fish Online



Wow...This is a great site! I am a beginner with a 30 hex, 20 lbs. of LR and about 2" live sand, 1 ph, 330 peguin bio filter. I finished cycling about 2 weeks ago and added 1 yellow tailed damsel, a clown, a blenny, emerald crab and 4 hermits. I keep the lights on for about 8 hrs. max. Should I add more cleaners now or wait until there is more to eat? I have some "feather duster type" worms in the LR and I've heard they can become a pain? Should I look for a fish that would enjoy eating them? And I promise just one more question for now. What are the pros and cons on buying fish online besides the price?


Active Member
I've heard they can become a pain?
Who told you this? Feather dusters are quite easy to care for, and they are a beautiful addition to a tank! you just need to make sure you are giving them the right soure of food. I use kent micro vert. It works well. But most other people use DT's phyto plankton.


I am pretty sure they are not true Feather dusters, but that was my newbie description to my new best friend at my LPS. He said they were most likely worms that multiply quickly and certain fish would eat them.

sinner's girl

con is you don't get to pick out the fish. so you don't know if you're getting a weak one, a strong one, a bully or a wimp. We always watch the fish for awhile before getting one. then we pick out a certian one, if the person working can catch the fish on the first try, I don't want it. I want one that will fight and run, I don't want one that's being picked on (some may not want a fish that is picking on others, it depends on what fish they already have).
I doubt it matters to most people, but i want to pick out the new members of our tanks.
pro's not having to deal with lfs pressure, 6-DAY GUARANTEE from sfw.com, possible fish costing less.
now when it comes to inverts, I'll buy from here, I have before and I will again (as soon as we get some money...). The shrimp we got were small, but it didn't matter b/c the cbs ate them anyway, the stars we got 2 years ago, we still have.
oh, and we had a few dead shrimp show up, and swf.com replaced the dead shrimp with no problem.
side note, before you buy a fish, make sure you have room for the fish in your tank, make sure it can survive in your tank, that you know how to care for it, and that it will get along (for the most part) with what you have.
good luck, and welcome to sfw.com, never be scared to ask a question, someone will answer. we're here to help


Welcome Austin Girl. If you haven't already, check out Aquatek iin north Austin. Nice selection, and they seem pretty knowledgeable;)


One of the things that has most put me off to buying livestock on-line is the minimum order.
I just don't feel comfortable stocking $50.00 - $75.00 worth of fish all at once. Now If ever an occasion arose in which I was paying $75.00 for one fish then I'd consider it. However, the fish that I am planning on stocking cost roughly $12.00-$25.00 a piece... three or four fish per order... just not comfortable. One at a time... over the span of months is more my speed.
Clean up crews I would purchase on-line however. Only I haven't yet! :rolleyes:
Just my opinion! Cheers!


I'm becoming a regular at Aquatek. Go check out Austin Aquariums it is new, opened in April. They are 1 block off of Anderson Lane behind North Cross mall. The store is really clean, good prices and great staff.


They were so far the best things I have bought. I trust them so far and will buy from them again. Really take the time to research the site before you buy and ask here, because the experts can help you.


New Member
I was wondering the same about ordering from swf. They seem to have a really good selection and I like the idea of buying tank raised fish when I can.
I think that the best thing from ordering from this site is that you can talk to people in the MB before you buy anything, plus nobody is pressuring you to get anything.


Active Member
I am seriously considering ordering all of my fish from this site. The only thing i don't like is that you have to order $75 worth of stuff. I really don't want to buy more than about 2 or maybe 3 fish at one time so i will order some inverts and a couple of fish to make $75. Do you think it would be safe to order 2 percs and a royal gramma at the same time or would that be to much for the bioload. Also how has everyones fish been from this site. All i have heard is good things but just want to make sure. Thanks for the info.


I agree with all of you. I would love to be able to order some things from here... but there is no way I could add $75 worth of stuff to my tank with crashing it.
If there is anyone in the NY area willing to split and order please contact me... my email is rbowman@upstatehomecare.com
Thanks guys!!!!


fishfin..i'm also in upstate ny...i want to order from here, but i dont think i need $75 worth of stuff. I'm from carmel...