ornamental shrimp


On *********** they say that a bicolor psuedochromis will eat ornamental shrimp. Whats classified as ornamental shrimp???
The Bicolor Pseudochromis, also called the Bicolor Dottyback or Royal Dottyback, is two bold colors; the anterior portion is purple and the posterior portion is bright yellow.
A 30 gallon or larger aquarium should be provided. The Bicolor Pseudochromis will not be intimidated by other fish and will defend its territory against fish two to three times its size. It will also eat ornamental shrimp and is a predator of nuisance bristleworms


Active Member
Mainly any of the shrimps that we keep as pets and dont want them to get eat. Other types of shrimp like ghost or mysis are feeder shrimp.


Active Member
Unless I can persuade my wife to let me take back her bicolor pseudo I can't have any fire shrimp.


Hmm, I always wondered what had happened to my pepermint shrimp. I found some bits and pieces of them. Which was killer for a nitrate spike. I think its a cool fish but lately its been a pain in the butt. First making caves under my rock work and now this.