Oscarduece, Al MC, or any medical type.



Nurse, doc, vet, I don't care...
I have an antibiotic question and all the research I'm doing won't answer it.
If a creature (dog cat human fish) is on an antibiotic that is prescibed for 5 days, and on day 4 the (obvious to the eye) symptoms start to improve, what do you do??
I have a fish, in QT undergoing the maracyn 2 and he is just starting to look better and the best I have found is...
If there is improvement, but the infection is not gone, a second course of the maracyns is recommended.
Start all over with clean unmedicated water? Or add to what he's in?
I know I coulda posted in the disease forum, but I figured I'd get a quicker response here...
Here's where I did post in the DF. (just look at the pics at the top and bottom of the thread, you don't hafta read it all.)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
Nurse, doc, vet, I don't care...
I have an antibiotic question and all the research I'm doing won't answer it.
If a creature (dog cat human fish) is on an antibiotic that is prescibed for 5 days, and on day 4 the (obvious to the eye) symptoms start to improve, what do you do??
I have a fish, in QT undergoing the maracyn 2 and he is just starting to look better and the best I have found is...
Start all over with clean unmedicated water? Or add to what he's in?
I know I coulda posted in the disease forum, but I figured I'd get a quicker response here...
Here's where I did post in the DF. (just look at the pics at the top and bottom of the thread, you don't hafta read it all.)
I have allways understood that if you are supposed to use antibiotics for X amount of days....you take it for X amount of days. No matter if the symptoms improve sooner. Just what I've been told.


I understand that aspect. If you are prescribed a week and the symptoms improve in a day, you still have to take them for a week. I get that.
But what I am having a hard time with is...
If they are prescribed for 5 days and the symptoms only START to improve on day 4. I don't think they will be gone by the end of treatment, so do I extend the usage or start him all over or what?


Active Member
Just because you stopped medicating the water on day 5, does not mean that there isnt sufficient medication in the water on days 6,7 and 8.


OK, so...
Sep, if I did a water change, I would have to remedicate the change out water (the instructions say so...)
And if I just leave him be for a few extra days, then that would be beneficial.
The medicine is accumulative, but it also degrades in light. There is no light on his "tank" but my DT is nearby.
I am anxious to do a water change, but I will wait a couple extra days.
He is looking a lot better and my hopes are rising.


Originally Posted by Tizzo
OK, so...
Sep, if I did a water change, I would have to remedicate the change out water (the instructions say so...)
And if I just leave him be for a few extra days, then that would be beneficial.
The medicine is accumulative, but it also degrades in light. There is no light on his "tank" but my DT is nearby.
I am anxious to do a water change, but I will wait a couple extra days.
He is looking a lot better and my hopes are rising.

Do the water change and add fresh medication.


you costing me a fortune, you realize that.
I just got this, thanks.