OT- Anybody heard of the loss in sharks?

Lately Ive been seeing that many sharks have declined in population dramatically and some are already heading for extinction soon.:( Very sad to hear, and was wondering if anybody has heard about this? I also heard that since 1986 to 2002 that many sharks have reduced population by over 50%! And that the hammerheads are the closest ones to extinction, they have reduced in population to about 89%! Has anyone heard of this? It really sucks!:(


Active Member
Last Sunday, our local paper had an article on it. The article suggested it was due to over fishing--and lack of laws protecting sharks...and that some shark populations had declined by as much as 80 percent. You're right, it's sad.


Active Member
Commercial fishing takes it toll. Longliners in the Atlantic, Pacific, Gulf of Mexico, and Indian Ocean take their fare share, and 95% of the sharks are bycatch. In the Pacific, there is an incredible amount of pressure on sharks, especially around Japan. Sharkfin soup is a delicacy. Very few sharks are protected right now. Thankfully, recreational fishers, congressmen, and organizations such as the CCA are all helping out to get protection for sharks. If we don't do something now, they won't be here tomorrow. Bo


Active Member
You just convinced me to write my district represenatives. Know of any good sites I can read and reference?


Active Member
Polarpooch, what exactly are you looking for? www.joincca.org is the home page of the Coastal Conservation Association (which I am proudly a member of.) They have gotten many bills passed on longlining, commercial fishing, etc. Check them out. You can also find tons on the overfishing of sharks by going to www.google.com and typing in "overfishing of sharks" "longline bycatch" or "declining shark populations". Also check out http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/ You will find tons of information. I'll look for some more. Bo


Active Member
Thanks. I bookmarked those sites. Since I just heard of the problem, I should certainly learn more before I fire off a letter!
One of the good things about living in Wisconsin, my congressional representatives actually listen to voters. And I'll bet there are others out there!


sharkattacks.com is a great site... I have my email account with them..... if you have any question on sharks, go to that site, they have a great message board..


I got to write an essay on a arguemenative essay for college.. Anyone have an idea of what I can write about? need 3 reasons, for example, I could argue shark decline in # because pollution, deep sea fishing, and poachers???


you may also want to check out greenpeace & peta
have you ever seen what they do to the mako and the other sharks they catch for sharkfin soup?
they cut off all the fins & throw the live shark back in the water to drown - it's very sickening.


Active Member
I will shoot myself in the head before I send a cent in tribute to greenpeace or peta. They are the most disillusioned people on this planet. They want the boyscouts to remove the fishing merit badge. As an avid hunter/fisher/outdoorsman, they are public enemy #1. Bo


the greenpeace people aren't as nuts as the peta people.
you should use them only on the subjects you believe in, nobody is 100% right 100% of the time.


Active Member
Here is a very timely column I read in the Chicago Tribune this morning regarding the lunacy of PETA. (I copied the entire column into the article because the site it comes from requires registration.)
Furor brewing over PETA ad
Lew Freedman
What a dilemma. You are a poor college student walking through the grocery store and you have only enough money for either a six-pack of beer or a half-gallon of milk.
The angel on your right shoulder whispers, "Buy the milk." You remember the lessons of your youth, about how milk is good for you and builds strong bones. The devil on your left shoulder whispers, "Buy the beer." You think of the guys back at the dorm with a powerful thirst and the Saturday night party beckoning.
Mom and dad are proud of you if you buy the milk.
PETA--People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals--is proud of you if you buy the beer.
As if college students need more encouragement to drink. Forget the teachings of the past, youngsters, PETA claims beer is the healthy alternative to milk, beer is the wiser choice over dairy products.
PETA, as just about every hunter and fisherman knows, is the enemy of traditional outdoorsmen. It is an organization in the forefront of the animal rights movement. If PETA had its way, no one would hunt or fish, and likely deer and bass would have the right to vote.
The Got Beer? ad campaign, brought back as a parody and counterpoint to the long-running Got Milk? advertising program, demonstrates that the group's outlook and focus is much broader.
It is touching that PETA is so concerned about our diets, but it is always wise to remember what PETA stands for. PETA not only opposes hunters killing for meat, it is against people eating meat. Ditto for fish. It would prefer that everyone go vegetarian.
I used to think that a PETA banquet would feature a bowl of lettuce as the main course with side dishes of a variety of cheeses and with milk offered as the main beverage. Silly me.
This is the second time for the Got Beer? effort--it was created in 2000--and it is just as foolish this time. Apparently, PETA has not read the latest studies about binge drinking on college campuses, and the problems of date ---- on campuses, so heavily affected by alcohol consumption, or heard about the nation's drunken driving problems.
PETA, in its own usual skewed way, has come down on the side of cows over people. Of course, from PETA's standpoint, cows are people too. The group has a Web site that complains cows are warehoused and "treated like milk machines" and that male calves "endure 14 to 17 weeks of torment in . . . crates so small that they can't even turn around." And, PETA argues, the animals are injected with hormones harmful to humans.
The Ohio-based U.S. Sportsman's Alliance, a group that lobbies for hunter's rights and keeps close tabs on the doings of animal rights organizations, dismissed the PETA ad sent to college newspapers as "a propaganda piece that encourages young adults to consume beer rather than milk."
Also on its Web site, PETA says that dairy products are linked to "allergies, constipation, obesity, heart disease and cancer." What, no West Nile disease? Gee, I wonder how Bossy can even function as a carrier of so many horrible conditions. Dairy products probably do cause major health woes--if you drink milk by the tanker truckload and explode, or eat a 2,000-pound wedge of cheddar. As if swallowing a keg of beer won't expand your gut.
PETA wants people to dump dairy products and switch to eating or drinking soy or rice milk, soy cheese, Tofutti ice cream, and tofu sour cream and cream cheese. I'm sure you are all salivating.
One group agitated by the Got Beer? campaign is Mothers Against Drunk Driving.
"PETA's Got Beer? campaign is totally irresponsible and the premise is not only ridiculous, but it is unethical," said MADD President Wendy Hamilton.
Probably the most peculiar thing that happened after PETA began the Got Beer? campaign last fall, as relayed by the Sportsman's Alliance, was a protest of a protest in England.
After two PETA activists railed about milk consumption at a school they had to be rescued by police when 100 students retaliated by throwing milk on them and shouting "Milk for the masses!"
"This is a stupid idea," a 16-year-old boy said. "We should be encouraged to drink milk and I certainly won't stop drinking milk just because a man has dressed as a cow outside my school."
For the rest of us--especially those who love fishing and hunting--protesting against what PETA recommends is simple. Just say moo.


New Member
I work for National Marine Fisheries service as a Fishery biologist and one of my main tasks is to analyze the effects regualtions might have on the resource and other resources. Through this work and attendance of seminars I discovered what quite a few believe to be a major contributing factor to the decline in the shark population
Most people realize that a big cause of the shark decline is commercial fishing. However people look mainly at longlining as the main cause because this was the traditional directed fishing method for shark. I will agree there is overfishing of sharks by direct targeting by longline boats but Ill take you a little bit further into the mystery and another huge cause of the shark decline.
Everybody remembers when tunafish became dolphin safe right? People proved that the method used to harvest tuna many years ago effected dolphin populations. The method was finding schools of dolphins, tracking them until they schooled up tuna then using your purse seines to surround the tuna school (which the dolphins were in the midst of) and harvest your tuna. However, even though they made efforts to dip the net down to allow the dolphins to escape, dolphins still became entangled in the nets causing the uprise to make tuna, 'dolphin safe' (I know that this summary doesnt include all aspects of why tuna became dolphin safe but it was meant to be brief)
Now your probably reading this and asking "What does this have to do with sharks and their decline in population?"
Here is your answer.
What many of you failed to realize is the effect you had on the fishing industry. Now the fishing industry wasnt going to just pack up their boats and quit fishing, they moved to the next best thing. We cant target tuna using dolphins so well target tuna looking for schooling aggregations of tuna by use of and airplane (without dolphins around) and the most popular way, laying their purse seines around floating debris (which tuna and other game animals congregate around). What happened when they did this is the bycatch of other species, particularly sharks, billfish and sea turtle increased dramaticaly. While targeting tuna throught the use of dolphins bycatch of shark and billfish were relatively low. When they shifted fishing practices, that is when you everybody started to see declines in both billfish and shark populations.
Dont just look at longlining, look at how we, the people who protested tuna fishing practices, contributed to this also. This case study was part of the reason why now and days we are very careful with fishing regulations in analyzing the effects a certain regulation had.
Look for a paper on this, Im pretty sure one was published in one of the scientific journals on this topic.