OT: anyone using Serene Screen Virtual Aquarium?


Active Member
Maybe I'm late on this, but I just got a copy of Serene Screen Marine Aquarium screen saver for CHEAP on ----. It is so cool...you can even choose your fish:)
Anyone else using it? Any problems I should know about? I always worry about screen saver programs.


Active Member
I used it for a good amount of time. I wish i could get the full version once again. It was a really nce screen save...I just hated the fact that the starfish would geto n omy monitor sometimes

great product.


I've been using it for about a year now, I love it.


Been using it for a while. Always switching up the fish. If only they came out with a version where we can rearrage the rockwork, specify the corals and add some more inverts so that each one would look completly different.
Thanks alot. There goes another $20.00 on the fish! Tried it and bought it right away! Shame on you for mentioning it...especially when I'm trying to pay off my Christmas bills!


Active Member

Originally posted by PhoenixRising
Okay...I'm a bit of a computer moron. Uhm...how else would you get it if you didn't pay for it?

The same way that people are able to download songs/albums that they didn't pay for... file sharing services.


Active Member

Originally posted by PhoenixRising
Okay...I'm a bit of a computer moron. Uhm...how else would you get it if you didn't pay for it?

You would steal it - though stealing in this case is called file sharing .... you download a peer to peer program (like bearshare, kazaa, morpheous) and install it (pretty user friendly and easy to do). Then search for what ever file you'd like to share and then download it!


Active Member
Okay...I'm a bit of a computer moron. Uhm...how else would you get it if you didn't pay for it?
I like Limewire, though I would never, EVER download anything that I didn't already own on vinyl!!!! Because that would be BAD.

Seriously, I would buy the screen saver, because you just never know what you're getting on file sharing services regarding programs. I was "beta-testing" a copy of Photoshop 5 when it crashed my computer. Now I only look for those "songs I already own on vinyl"
I found their website: www.serenescreen.com. They have a 2.0 upgrade for 1.0 users (I bought the 1.0 cheap on ----). Now they have more fish to play with!


I have had this screensaver for over a year now. Funny thing is the SS is what made me get my own tank!
As far as the starfish on the monitor (glass) there is a checkbox in the options menu to make it where he won't stick on the glass.