OT: AOL Error - Pretty Funny


Active Member
Man, this is funny. I'm sitting here, cruising the board, doing my thing, and when I hit SUBMIT for a reply, an AOL Error screen pops up. Here's what it says:
AOL has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience. If you were in the middle of something, the information you were working on might be lost. For information about this error, click here.
Below that is a button that says CLOSE. So, what do I do? I simply move the screen to the top of my computer screen, and keep posting. I'm still online now, and don't really understand how I can be? Has this ever happened to anyone else? LOL, there it is, in the top corner, staring me in the face, and yet it's not doing any good.


I'm having problems with aol also. Not exactly the same problems though. Mostly my problems are with mail and reporting/blocking spam... Wish I could cancel my account. I've got road runner. I just don't want to lose any potential business contacts by changing my email address.


Active Member

Originally posted by TangTang
I'm having problems with aol also. Not exactly the same problems though. Mostly my problems are with mail and reporting/blocking spam... Wish I could cancel my account. I've got road runner. I just don't want to lose any potential business contacts by changing my email address.

I'm not sure how AOL email works. I have never been a customer of theirs and for the most part I hate them. They may have a feature that can help you. I recently had to switch from DirecTV DSL because they closed up shop. I was able to configure my email their to forward all of my email to my new email address and to send an autoreply to anyone who emailed me that I have a new email account "blahblah@blah.com" and their email has been forwared to my new account. It also told them to update their contact list to reflect my new email. You may want to check and see if AOL has this feature.


Active Member
Used it way back before I knew anything about the Internet...it's easy for beginners...but it takes over your PC. Anyone that has ever done any networking will tell you...it adds it's own network components, and causes a lot of other things not to work properly.
Of course, I cancelled it when I started working for Earthlink (don't anymore). Ahh...much better...


Atleast aol doesn't kick me off like msn did
I still don't like the "u'v got mail, man"thing though. (just to make fun) :rolleyes:


Active Member
Yeah, I know. It's horrible to use if you hack, errrr, like to have fun on the computer. I want to switch over to something else, but haven't found anything I like yet, at least not enough to make the change.


just go with a regular isp, and use internet explorer, check with your local phone company for dsl or your cable company both are high speed internet connections and you have your privacy. I go through cable and the only time I see there name is when I pay the bill, I control my internet way should be. Just trying to help out. i just get irratable when I hear about aol and companys like that because I think they a re a rip


Active Member
Yeah, thanks. Here's a link to my HomePage. It's got something like 54 of my favorite quotes on it. I think one or two from Sammy and one from Risc I think. Plus a couple more.

aqua blue

I use Wal Mart Connect. It is a lower cost version of Compuserve. It is almost identical to AOL except that it is only $9.95 per month. Same unlimited use and same dial up numbers. I sometimes get a similar error message. You can just drag it to the side and continue what you were doing. Once you click on the close option it will shut down your internet access and then you have to restart it and sign on again. It is aggrivating sometimes but doesn't happen enough to ruin the $9.95 cost. I guess you get what you pay for.


Active Member
I can't get DSL in my area, nor can I get Broadband, brought to you by AOHell, for that matter. I'm thinking about getting that DirectWay thing, with the satellite. Download time is like zip, or so I've heard. ;)


Thanks guys! I am now truly inspired! I'll think on getting rid of the aol account again. It's really dumb to keep paying two bills. (I have a high speed connection also.)
I guess I just need new business cards, a lag time between closing up shop and to contact my entire address book... Boy! Sounds like fun to me!


CABLE!!! I was a web designer at an ISP who offered FREE dial up, or FREE DSL to the employees. I still decided to pay for cable. My connection speed is 4.5 megabits per second, translation.....LIGHTNING FAST


Active Member
i dont know if any of you guys play games online, my friend constantly gets high ping when we play counterstrike. AOL is unstable and its unreliable. Have you tried caceling AOL? man what jerks, my money my choice.
One thing you guys might want to try. My friend tried to cancel, the operator said what if we gave you next month free? after the free month, he called to cancel again, he got another free month and so on, then he told him that he was going to get dsl from another service, the guy said he'll mail him the stuff for a small fee and give him a month of free dsl. He tried to cancel, the guy offered another 2 months of free dsl.... Man the things they do to try to keep the customer