OT : aquarium


Active Member
hey guys if any of you liek hard/alternative rock, you gotta check out a band called Stepa. they have a song called Aquarium. i stumbled upon it while d/l some cool stuff on WinMX. check it out, if you like! its pretty cool, just thought there might be some fellow reefers/hard rockers here that would appreciate it!
good luck


i'll keep an ear out for it.... i don't think i've heard of the band yet... but alway intrested of new music comin out.:D

nm reef

Active Member
Never heard of 'em....but define a rocker.....would that be somebody that witnessed the Dark Side of the Moon tour LIVE?
Or somebody that saw Led Zep while still in Jr. High?
Would over 200 Live Rock shows qualify somebody as a rocker?
Maybe once going to a show that featured.....Rush....Nazareth....and Pat Travers....with The Red Rocker Sammy Hagar....would that qualify somebody as a rocker?
Anybody remeber the Black&Blue tour....Black Sabbath and Blue Oyster Cult?
Any see Black Sabbath........when Ozzy was still with them and they had a couple bands named Deep Purple and Uriah Heap playin along?
Nope...I ain't a rocker....never have been never will be....But I will tell you this.......Eric Clapton is a god......and them 3 guys from Texas can play some stuff....AC/DC is not only High Voltage....and I cryed the night Lennon was murdered........:cool:


hey all you people keep an ear out for "Fling Ten"
"Joey's loss" and "Knee Deep"
all new bands that are really really good, I personally know most of members in the bands,especially watch for "Fling Ten" kinda got a blink182/sum41 thing goin and they're really good, soon to get a record label......