OT - Breast Cancer


Active Member

Cancer site is having trouble getting enough people to click on it daily to meet their quota of donating at least one free mammogram a day to an underprivileged woman. It takes less than a minute to go to their site and click on "Fund Free Mammograms" for free (pink window in the middle).
(There is nothing to sign up for and no cost to you.)
The corporate sponsors/advertisers use the number of daily visits to donate a mammogram in exchange for advertising.
Here's the website - Pass it along to all your friends!!
Thanks. Bo


I will definitley click on this site as I lost my Grandma and Aunt to a similar cancer.Also, I just want to say that it is beyond humane that you would take the time to bring this up to all of us.With all of my heart,Thank you.


Active Member
I lost an aunt and grandmother as well. Keep on clicking guys. It really means a lot to me and everyone else who has seen the effects of

cancer on a loved one. Thanks. Bo


My mother went throught the worst year of her life because of

cancer. But she is alive today and it was because they found it early. I will put it on my favorites and click once a day if it will make one more persons ordeal with cancer just a little bit easier


I lost my mom last february... wow.. almost a year now. She was 54. You really can't begin to understand how important all the commercials and "Walks for a Cure" are until it hits you smack dab in the face. I've been to the site.. in fact I now have it bookmarked and plan on clicking at least once a day. Thank you for posting this and thank you everyone who takes the time to click.


Wow! Consider it clicked...I lost my youngest sister to

cancer almost 8 yrs ago..She had just turned 40 the month before we lost her. We were fortunate, being a big family, that all of us were with her for her last moment. Its hard to watch someone go through it and a great relief when they pull through. Thank you again for posting this. Even after this much time, it tears at my heart..She was not only my baby sister but also my best friend.


Posts like these are what I love about this board.
Real people, important issues and caring members. Thanks Grouperhead! I'll forward to friends and family.