OT: Coke vs.Pepsi

nm reef

Active Member
Actually neither....I probably drinks a single soda a month. I prefer fruit drinks or tea.But if I had to make a choice....Pepsi. :cool:


Definately not coke, I don't drink pepsi anymore. I prefer Squirt, Half & Half or Wink. I usually drink water or milk though.
if you dont have a substance in your stomache or get one in there soon, and you drink coke it can
actualy cause ulcers or stomache cramps. i should know i got one so bad that i could barely gasp for air!
i also did and experiment by putting a glass of coke and a glass of pepsi and putting a nail in each glass, and guess which nail was eroded in the morning?
thats right,COKE!!!!
even though i hate brittany jears, i love pepsi and always have and will.


I love Pepsi but everyone in my family drinks coke so I usualy drink coke now. Go Jeff Gordon the Pepsi man.
Anywhere in the south they refer to all pop as "coke". I lived in several different southern states and they all refer to "coke" It wasnt long before I started to call pop..."coke". I was severly razed when I moved back to Michigan and would say "I'll run and get us some cokes". I am actually a pepsi supporter, but used to drink Mt Dew by the case. I think the quality of pop got much worse once they got rid of the GLASS bottle. I gave up most pop and drink Pepsi if I do drink pop now..,I couldnt drink just ONE Mt Dew.
Kelly, I didnt even know that made Wink anymore, actually the only place I ever got it was in Canada..go figure :)


My Hubby drinks Dew...YUCK!!!
I would rather drink water than drink coke, blyacky..
~Susie :D


I like Coke better...
I am wondering what the Vanilla Coke is like, anyone tried it yet???
Pepsi is a close second ...
Dr. Pepper makes me ill....


Active Member
I find that Pepsi One is pretty good for diet cola.
I love the little 6 ounce cokes in a bottle.
Now that is good stuff !
Other than that - I'll drink most anything offered, and buy whatever is on sale that week.
Not too picky when it comes to colored carbonated sugar water, but I refuse to buy the off brand discount stuff like Kroger's Big K Cola.
That generic pop is nasty IMO.
Guess I am sort of picky afterall :p

tru conch

Active Member
personally i dont like carbonation, just burns my stomach up. but if im going to drink a cola product im going with the coke family.


Active Member
I also think that Pepsi has an odd aftertaste. It's too sugary, and it makes it seem like your drinking Gatorade or some other sports drink. I think Coke is the best.


Active Member
Do you guys remember when they came out with clear pepsi now that stuff sucked. <img src="graemlins//dead.gif" border="0" alt="[dead]" />