Ot: Computer People Pls Read


I can not see the u build it section of this web page. All I can use is the message boards.
Also I can't play cards on yahoo because the game rooms won't load.
I am assuming these problems might be connected. My puter is about 5 years old and as it is my dads it probably has never been upgraded or maintained.
Anyone got any easy to understand advice? I can use a computer very well as long as you don't get super technical.


Did this problem just start...or has it been like that since you started using the puter..?


Active Member
Which browser are you using? If it hasn't been upgraded in 5 years, you may not have the components necessary for a lot of the newer programming on web pages.
Older browsers have limitations...I would suggest downloading a recent browser, like Internet Explorer 6.x


If i goto MS website what do I pick to update my browsers? I think I have tried this but maybe not the correct way.


goto windowsupdate.microsoft.com
as long as your os is current, windows update should have the option to update your browser to either 5.5 or 6 with the proper service packs. Browser updates are usually in the "critical updates" list after it analyzes your system...


Staff member
Were you able to see the Ubuild it and the game before on this computer?


Active Member
simple question... how much space do u have left on ur computer.. how much rams?
If you go to my computer>C-drive> right click... properties and u will see an easy to read pie graph made of pink and blue. Most of the time... when something isn't loading it's lack of memory. What type of Windows do you have?


HDD space should not affect what displays on your screen, if anything, it would prevent IE from starting to begin with (windows adjusts your Virtual memory automatically to compensate for this).
If all else fails, Open IE, goto tools menu, Internet Options, then the advenced tab. Click the restore defaults, these settings control advanced options such as Java aplets, image display, etc.
If you restore defaults, at least you know IE is configured properly.


Thanks for all the help guys. I am giving up on this. I am getting married on the 14th so I will be setting up my own puter in our apartment which I know works.