OT: Computer Virus Warning



I don't have time to check this out, just home for lunch, but did anyone else recieve a messager from MSN like this, but with a odd return path? Seems fishy to me.
Dear friend , use this Internet Explorer patch now!
There are dangerous virus in the Internet now!
More than 500.000 already infected!
Return-Path: <admin@duma.gov.ru>
Received: from [] (HELO localhost)
by front3.chartermi.net (CommuniGate Pro SMTP 3.5.9a)
with SMTP id 294256229 for birdsall12@chartermi.net; Mon, 25 Aug 2003 09:20:56 -0400
From: "Microsoft" <security@microsoft.com>
To: <birdsall12@chartermi.net>
Subject: Use this patch immediately !
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;boundary="xxxx"
Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2003 09:20:56 -0400
Message-ID: <auto-000294256229@front3.chartermi.net>
Is this legit?


Active Member
I haven't heard anything about that, but check Microsoft's site. If there are patches out there, they'd be there. You wouldn't get an email on it.
I'd say it's bogus.


Active Member
Looks like crap to me too!! I have never recieved microsoft e-mails about updates... Only my company does..


Active Member
That email is coming from someone who has you listed in their address book. They are infected with the w32dumaru worm.

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
read an article recently about one of the fastest spreading worm email viruses. Sounds exactly what you described, said something about a message from Microsoft. The virus has the capability to send over 1000 emails out simultaneously to the same email address. Suppose to only send annoying spam nothing else. I got about 50 one day. Sounds like you got one of the same thing.


Microsoft does not ever communicate with end users directly through email!
Never open anything that you get that says that it from Microsoft unless you have talked to MS support directly and know that they are sending you something.


Active Member
I should also add that hopefully your antivirus is up to date. You don't have to open that email in order for the virus to infect your system. Also apply the updates on microsofts update site.


I would go to www.sarc.com and see if you can find it. Its symantecs antivirus lab. It may be a HOAX. If I had received it from someone that I didnt know or that I could not verify it throught symantec or a virus company or microsoft I would not install it.


Thanks guys I deleted it without opening the attachments. Talked to a buddy down in Troy Michigan who opend one of those patches to fix viruses and it caused a world of hurt for his computer.
Thanks again for all your imput.