no your post did not trigger an alarm. However, I went to: OT - guess who is.... thread and kablam... off it went again.
Here are the stats of what it says:
Invalid TCP options
From Norton:
Invalid TCP Options
Severity: Medium
This attack could pose a moderate security threat. It does not require immediate action.
Attack Category: Pre-Attack Probe
Pre-Attack probes gather information about a system necessary to launch an attack. A pre-attack probe signature might detect a UDP scan, for example, which an attacker could use to identify all live systems on a network.
detects TCP packets that have an invalid TCP option in the Options areas of the IP Header. IP options can be used to determine how a packet will be the TCP layer at final destination of the packet. There is a finite well-documented set of TCP options. Not all TCP/IP stacks support all options.
By sending a packet with invalid TCP options (invalid either because the Windows TCP/IP stack has chosen not to support that option or the option is not defined by the RFC), and inspecting the response generated by your machine, an attacker can "profile" (learn about) details about the TCP/IP software running on your machine.
False Positive