OT.... Drag Racing


A while back I saw someone had drag racing in their profile for other intrests. Now I can't find it. WHO WAS IT???
this is gonna bug me all night... I remember seeing the member with the interest you're referring to but don't remember who it was. :rolleyes: :)


Active Member
It was me. :) I changed my profile in case if anyone needed to get ahold of me via email.
Drag Racing has been a big part of my life since I was about 5 years old......even younger than that really. My Uncles and I have always been into racing.


Active Member
I will post some more photos when I get home from work.
There are several members on swf.com that are involved with drag racing. :)


Active Member
Ryan....you are a jack of all trades....:) Those are cool cars.
How did you take the pic of the car in color and rest in b/w?
My husband takes his 71 Cutlass to an occasional show and
that pic of yours is awesome.


I thought it was one of you guys that I see all the time!!! Did you run Jr Dragsters when you were young? I have been racing for about 6 years now. We took this summer off as we bought a new house, but just went out last weekend and I took 2nd!!! That was awesome! We have a new combo in the car and are still getting the bugs out. I am looking forward to a long season next year.
What et did your dragster run? I have gone from a low 13 in the beginning to now 10's, and we are hoping someday to get a dragster ourselves.
Being a female in the sport has been a blast. When I go to other tracks, I am always amazed at how many guy's still think a girl can't race, only to change their thinking as they're putting their car on the trailer!!!
I'll post a couple of pic's of our car.


I also drag race. Though not as a pro, but maybe one day. I have a 96 Z28...I ran a new best of 7.5 last week. Nice cars by the way!!


Actually it was me! I had Nascar and NHRA as my intrests, they still are it's just all my drivers are pi$$ing me of this season and I chose to focus on football, not that the Eagles are doing any better.:rolleyes:


Not another Newman fan:rolleyes: :D . Congrats. I like Jr. Its not so much him it's his crew. Maybe next year. You'll see Nascar pop up in my intrests in Feb when I'll have hope again.