OT: FW babies


i emptied out my FW tank a few months ago, converted to SW, and the tank is doing good. anyway, i found these tiny babies, bout less than a centimeter, i took tehm out and put them into a 1g tank. i have raised them to the point that they r at about 1 cm for the biggest baby. now the questions, what fish are they(ill get a pic), when theyll grow up, and if they need a bigger tank?


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by Matti070
i emptied out my FW tank a few months ago, converted to SW, and the tank is doing good. anyway, i found these tiny babies, bout less than a centimeter, i took tehm out and put them into a 1g tank. i have raised them to the point that they r at about 1 cm for the biggest baby. now the questions, what fish are they(ill get a pic), when theyll grow up, and if they need a bigger tank?

I suspect you had some mollies in the fw before you converted to salt. They can live in both fw and salt and actually survive better in salt. If they are mollies then you can expect then to reach 2-3" long. Yep you'll eventually need something bigger.


i had 1 balloon molly, 2 golden danios(susceptible to be the babies), 3 black skirt tetras, 1 cory catfish.