OT: FW keepers


I have decided on making the 29g a fw planted tank. I really don't have any clue what I am doing. Could someone help me with:
1. Best filtration method
2. Best substate
3. Lighting
4. good beginner plants
5. Do I need to cycle it?
Thank you.


Active Member
i have a 55 gallon FW with some playground gravel i ollected from my local school (washed and bleached of course, god knows what is on those filthy kids shoes!)
then i bought some Limestone for the rock work. No plants for me, i dont want to spend alot on lighting again. I have 4 NO fixtures in it though totalling 90 watts.



Originally posted by moopiespoo
I have decided on making the 29g a fw planted tank. I really don't have any clue what I am doing. Could someone help me with:
1. Best filtration method
2. Best substate
3. Lighting
4. good beginner plants
5. Do I need to cycle it?
Thank you.

Like any tank you need to know what fish you want to keep. Regular "tropical" fish like neutral water, S. Americans like neutral to slighty hard, angels and discus like soft low ph and
African cichlids need hard high pH. Plants do not grow well in hard high pH water.
So, that being said, for a planted tank I would recommend the following...
- Aqua Clear for a hang on filter would be my choice. A canister is very good too like a Fluval or Eheim. I've used bio-wheel Penguins and I prefer the Aqua Clear or canister filter.
-Substrate specially for planted tanks (Carib-sea Eco Complete).
-Good lighting. A 55 -65 watt PC with a good daylight bulb should be plenty for that tank (Coralife has some for FW tanks).
- Fish that are good for planted tanks. Apsitogramma, angels, tetras, guaramis, mollies etc... Stay away from Plecos for alage eaters. Get siamese or similar types for algae control.
-Most of the plants you will find at the LFS are easy to grow if you have decent lighting. Anubias, java ferns, amazon swords and the like are all easy.
Stay away from S. American cichlids that like to reargange the substrate.
The tank will need to cycle just like any other tank but the bio filration will be mainly in the filter and on the substrate. You can use Lava rock which is neutral and porus and will eventually get populated with good baceria and help with bio filtration.
Hmmm, I can't think of anything else right now. Post more questions if you have them or email me at r53@comcast.net if you want.
BTW, since we are already OT, are you an Eagles fan? Your avatar is the logo for the Philly Eagels.



Originally posted by aarone
i have a 55 gallon FW with some playground gravel i ollected from my local school (washed and bleached of course, god knows what is on those filthy kids shoes!)
then i bought some Limestone for the rock work. No plants for me, i dont want to spend alot on lighting again. I have 4 NO fixtures in it though totalling 90 watts.

Limestone is not good for planted tank since it increases hardness and raises the ph.



Originally posted by aarone
since i dont want plants i guess it wont be too bad for my fish.

What kind of fish?


Thanks to all for the good suggestions. I have an unused 330 biowheel so I will use that. I'm still on the fence about lighting, I don't want to spend alot of $$ on this, I like to save that for my sw tanks.:D The fish I did want were the big goldfish with the big bulgeing eyes. I don't know what their called. I will probably go to the lfs today to see what all they have. When can I add the plants? Before or after cycle?


Originally posted by Drakken ...
BTW, since we are already OT, are you an Eagles fan? Your avatar is the logo for the Philly Eagels.
:D [/B]
Yes I am.:D



Originally posted by moopiespoo
Thanks to all for the good suggestions. I have an unused 330 biowheel so I will use that. I'm still on the fence about lighting, I don't want to spend alot of $$ on this, I like to save that for my sw tanks.:D The fish I did want were the big goldfish with the big bulgeing eyes. I don't know what their called. I will probably go to the lfs today to see what all they have. When can I add the plants? Before or after cycle?

Add the plants right from the begining. They will out compete bad algaes. For lighing you don't need to go crazy. A standard twin tube fixture with plant bulbs would be enough for the plants I mentioned before.



Originally posted by moopiespoo
Yes I am.:D

Cool! I'm in NJ about 40 minutes from Philly. I grew up in the burbs of Philly and have always been an Eagles and Flyers fan.


I have never even been to Philly but I have been an Eagles fan since I can remember. I like the Flyers too but it's been along time since I've even watched a game. My hubby doesn't care for hockey and I never have anybody to watch games with.:(


for all your freshwater needs I would go to www.thekrib.com they have a GREAT library of information on freshwater tanks. And for plants I cant tell you enough how good a CO2 reactor is, and they are really easy to make. I have a big soda bottle with a top in it and a tube comming out and into the fish tank. Put yeast in there with some sugar and water, and you have happy plants. Just redo the yeast every month or so, PLUS you get some REALLY bad tasteing booze.