OT: FW: Pennies in Jug

mr. ray

New Member
Hello I have one of the large 5 gallon jugs you get when you buy water. I was wondering if it would be ok to mix my water with aqua safe, the reason I ask is cause I have penneis in the thing (no more then 50cents) they have not been in there that long. would this be ok.


Active Member
I completly agree with Squishy, copper is so dangerous in a tank that I would not take any chances.

nm reef

Active Member
A penny is mostly zinc I believe...but still I wouldn't risk it. Not when a fresh clean water jug costs wayyyyyyyy less than replacing dead livestock.:cool:


Active Member

Originally posted by Daniel411
Odd question, are pennies even made of copper anymore?

The U.S. Mint buys strips of metal about 13 inches wide and 1,500 feet long to manufacture the nickel, dime, quarter, half-dollar, and dollar. The strips come rolled in a coil. Each coil is fed through a blanking press which punches out round discs called blanks. The leftover strip, called webbing is chopped and recycled. (To manufacture the cent, the Mint buys blanks ready made for stamping after supplying fabricators with copper and zinc.)

ps this info was got directly from the mint's website

bang guy


Originally posted by Daniel411
Odd question, are pennies even made of copper anymore?

Some are still but very few. They all have a copper alloy jacket though so that's a lot of copper exposure.
I'm not sure how soluble copper is in that form though.