sinner's girl
I know this is a saltwater fish place but sinner just set up fresh water gopies.
we have babies! just bought the fish tonight, came in the office and i saw one dark across the tank.
we just thought one was dead, sinner went to take it out, but it's the one having babies! opps, made the mom mad. (she wasn't fat, she's not the one we thought was having babies).
How do fish act before giving birth? we had on we thought was dying...breathing really fast, floating on the top, not moving much, didn't eat...so dieing or giving birth?
there's no clean up crew yet since we just added fish tonight so we want to get the fish out if it's dying.
How long does it take for a female to drop all her babies?
if anyone know of a fw board let me know.
we have babies! just bought the fish tonight, came in the office and i saw one dark across the tank.
we just thought one was dead, sinner went to take it out, but it's the one having babies! opps, made the mom mad. (she wasn't fat, she's not the one we thought was having babies).
How do fish act before giving birth? we had on we thought was dying...breathing really fast, floating on the top, not moving much, didn't eat...so dieing or giving birth?
there's no clean up crew yet since we just added fish tonight so we want to get the fish out if it's dying.
How long does it take for a female to drop all her babies?
if anyone know of a fw board let me know.