OT: Getting to know you

In going back through the time I have spent on this website, I have found that the funniest and most liked thread was probably the ot one started by blondenaso. Since we have so many new members, and I felt that everyone on this board bonded and really got to know the people they were talking to from that thread, I am starting a new one. Everyone can post pictures of themselves, their pets, their tanks, the kitchen sink.... if they want to. I'll go first. Here's me.
Your cat looks like the cat I used to have! How old is he? My cat died a year or so ago from cancer in the throat, very sad thing. That is quite a pretty cat!


My other house companions. And, no they're eyes aren't that scary :)
This is Monty, my 12 week old Portuguese Water Dog puppy. He's sired by my male PWD, Sterling, who is also known as Ch. Sete Mares Windward Breeze.


Monty's father, Sterling. He's going on 11, I keep him clipped down now. he's enjoying gnawing on a bone here :)


Active Member
Here's our new puppy, half pom and half mini poodle.
Looks like Peppie has dred locks, rosta fari.:D


Active Member

Originally posted by Jillian Ayers
Your cat looks like the cat I used to have! How old is he?

i don't know, i took the cat in about a year ago as a stray but i'd probably guess she's about 8 or so......


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you can do that yourself, just click the edit button in the right corner of your post, then it takes you to an editing page, on the top of this page is an option to delete your post. you can also use this feature to add a comment or delete a comment from what you wrote. the only thing you can't do in editing is add a picture, you can change everything else.


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Buddy. A spoiled rotten doggie. :D He's a half pug, half bull terrier, 100% lovable "swimmer dog."


Active Member
Wanna play "Where's Waldo?" Or, "Where's Karen?" rather... this picture was posted on the Foo Fighters website. I was surprised to see ME in their picture. Just look for the red hair in the front row. That's me. :D


Active Member
One more then I'll go away for now. :D This is Iggy and Petunia in the viquarium that Gabriel and I built for them last year. Aren't they cute? :p