OT...Happy Mother's Day!


Active Member
I don't deserve it, because I am physically incapable of being a mother. Well being a mother-something I can do. :D But, as far as all you actual moms, yes, happy Mother's Day. ;)


hehehe, i got my mom a joke off the net.
It's about a woman who loves baked beans, but they have a very embarassing and lively reaction in her. Then she meets the love of her life.
When they married, she thought, "he is such a sweet man, he wouldn't go for this carrying on." so she made the supreme sacrifice and gave up beans.
Her car broke down one day on the way home from work,so she called her husband saying she would walk home. She passed a diner and the smell of baked beans was more than she could stand. She ate 3 large orders of baked beans, thinking she would have walked off any ill effects by the time she got home. All the way home she putt-putted, and when she got home they were still affecting her, she held it in.
He said, "I have a surprise tonight" and blindfolded her and led her to the table. He was about to remove the blndfold when the telephone rang. She seized the opportunity, lifted her leg and let it ripp. she shifted her wieght to the other cheek and ripped three more. She fanned the air vigorously, the smell reminded her of a fertilizer truck running over a skunk at a pulpwood mill. She carried on like this for a few minutes and when her husband returned, he removed the blindfold..........
There were 12 people seated around the table to wish her a "happy birthday":eek: :D ;)