OT: How much did it cost???


I am just curious to see, just how much people have spent on their tank. I live in Canada and have spent approximately 2000 canadian so far and that is with almost no coral at all.


I have to agree....aren't you like 13?
No way would any parent spend $9000 for a kid and his fish....$900 MAYBE, but 9000? Please...
I would say I have dropped around $2500-3500 on my tank.


Active Member
My tank cost me: Canadian Funds
Tank: $95
Stand: $60
Lights: $130
Filter: $88
Powerheads: $55
Sand: $90
Live Rock: $671 (61 pounds @ $11 per pound)
Fish: $225
Corals: $225
Total: $1639 + 15% Tax
That total doesn't include salt, hydrometer, food, algae magnet.
Now that I've broken it all down, i've begin to cry
<img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" /> <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" /> <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" /> <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" />


If there is one thing i've learned from this post it's that i'm not alone in my insane love of the reef regardless of cost ;-) I've also learned that i have a lot to learn about what i have ;-) One of the first moments of eureka occurred when i did the breakdown on my system and realized my LFS screwed me! My system follows:
42gal Hex
80lbs Fiji LR
3" crushed coral substrate
Little giant powerhead-emphasis on little
2 24" standard flourescents
New oak canopy
4 24" VHO-2 actinic blue 2 daylights
Protein skimmer
Inverts-32 Scarlet reef hermits, 25 blue-legged hermits, 10 peppermint shrimp, 1 Fire shrimp, 1 coral banded shrimp, 6 emerald crabs, 14 turbo astral bumblebee and conch snails
Dead fish
____________Free :-(
Future soft corals
____________your guess is as good as mine ;-)

nm reef

Active Member
LMAO @ $9000.00
My wife "was" keeping track of the cost to develope my 55 reef...she quit when it went over $2000.00...about then is when I bought her a new car!!!
Now I have plans to develope a larger system but she says a cruise FIRST!!!!!!!


I was extremely surprized when a couple of weeks ago, my wife and I were just in a daze looking at my tanks... We where saying how damn good they looked and I asked I wonder how much money is in there...
She turned around and said, "about $4300-$4600... :rolleyes:
I guess she has keeped a very good record of how much I/We have invested...

indy mike

I am up to $3260.00 just off the top of my head and guess what, There isn't the first coral in there yet. My wife is wonderful for letting me do this, the great thing is that I can't get her away from the front of the tank when I am trying to work on it. I did a 30 gallon water change last night(first one) on a 150 gallon tank and everything was still alive this morning, amazing this hobby is.
I am officially going to stop keeping up with costs. whatever it cost thats how much it is, new words to live by. we don't need to go to Disney anyway.


Probably around 3,000 bucks on my 75 gal. LMAO NM Reef, I did the same thing. My wife really didn't worry as much about the tank after she had a big, black Mercedes parked out front :D
Now she says I have to get her implants before I get my shark tank...........OH, DARN!!!!! <img src="graemlins//evilwhorn.gif" border="0" alt="[Evil Horn]" /> ;) <img src="graemlins//evilwhorn.gif" border="0" alt="[Evil Horn]" />


55gal=only $1200-$1400....I got a good used tank w/new Prizm skimmer,and a friend who frags his own corals.He set me up with a "starter kit" of 10 pieces for $80 bucks!Now all I have to do is try to keep myself from getting another tank for the living room! <img src="graemlins//evilwhorn.gif" border="0" alt="[Evil Horn]" />


We've easily spent a couple grand so far. We saved alot of cash with DIY projects as well.
Now if you count the 26,000 BTU airconidtioner i just bought for our house to keep the tank cool, and the $200 sawzall to cut the hole in the wall to put it in, i'd say clsoe to $3000. :)


I lost track after about $3000. Just picked up my next project yesterday. Another 55 thats going to be a reef. Havn't even got the skimmer, LR, or LS, and I've spent around 300.


Active Member
"OUR" Reef Tank about $2,500.00. "HER" 2002 Jeep Grand Cherokee about $30,000.00.
That's fair I guess :D

richard rendos

Active Member
At last count my 120 was up to $5800.00.
My 54 gallon was around $2600.00.
A lot of that was at wholesale prices too. Not sure what the retail would have been.