ot - how much have you spent on your tank?



ummm...bout $800 and i have nothing in mine yet lol
Ride on!
I got a free tank from my friend who upgraded to a bigger tank and im only about 6 weeks into this so ive spent about 300 bucks but I still have a lot more things to add!

tahoe ocean

My husband told me last week that I have spent $500 in the last 6 months. He was chastising me for that amount, but maybe I should make him read this thread and see how much youguys spend. ;)
I agree with Pigeoncreek and Juggernaut....:D
But any ways in my 75gl. reef so far over $2000 and less that $3000 so far not really done yet....


I have to first say THANKS YOU EVERYONE for making me feel better about all the money I have spent since I started this hobby...glad to see I am not a freak as my friends like to call me sometimes :D
Second, I just have to make a comment about the comment about the war...I have friends and family fighting over there and I have to say that this is what they are fighting for in a sense...the ability for us Americans (and Iraqis) to be able to spend whatever they want on whatever they like (in this case fish tanks). Not to mention we are helping the economy by still continuing to buy things during this time of recession around the world. I say we are even more patriotic than most for doing so...LOL ;)


Sadly, I have itemized my costs in Excel...here are the results.EQUIPMENT
Tank - 75 gallon $250
Stand $125
Canopy $140
Live sand $250
Emperor Filter $60
Sea Clone Skimmer $140
Actinic Lights $110
Maxi-Jet Powerhead x 4 $120
VHO Lighting $245
Mag Float Scraper $35
Sterilizer 8 watt $110
Plastic tubing $15
Instant Ocean Salt Mix $60
Filter Stone for Filters $30
Live Rock @ 4.99 per lb. 75 lbs $375
Coral fan and fingers $80
Water jugs 2x $10 $20

Frogspawn $45
Button $35
Leather Tree $55
Leather Finger $45
Brain Open $40
Brain Candy $45
Brain $40
Tree $35
Xenia $40
Brain Closed $30
Fox Coral $40
Feather Duster $15
Sponge x2 $40

Snails & Crabs - clean up crew $60
Regal Tang $35
Yellow Tang $30
Clowns x2 $45
Foxface $35
Neon Goby $12
Naso Tang $35
Coral Beauty $30
Tube Anenome $35
Anenome $40
Serpent Star $35
Sandsifting Star $15
Horseshoe Crab $15

Water Expenses - 52 weeks $156
Filters once a month $12 $144
Instant Ocean $25 $300
Fish Food $12.00 $144
Annual Costs $744


short answer is Way too much to ever admit to anyone including myself. "Stay ignorant stay happy" is my credo when it comes to how much the reef costs.


I have spent about $2500 and every single penny of it was worth it. I'm only 16 and thanks to my lawnmower I have what I have in my tank.


Well I have only spent about 600 bucks or so on my 10 gallon nano since it began. But then again, it is just starting out. I only have 2 pieces of coral right now. I'm sure by the time it is complete I will have spent double what I have spent already. Kinda scary for a 10 gallon tank.
And my 2.5 has cost me about 60 and it is also empty right now.